Быкова 2 класс. Unit 6. The Ugly Duckling

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Aims: To present the story of the Ugly Duckling.
Pupil Language: I’m a duckling – What are you? – I can’t fly at all, – Can you? – I’m a rabbit – I can jump all day! – But you’re so ugly. – Go away!
Teacher Language: Open your books. – Who’s this?
Extra Materials: Photocopies of activity story page (Extension).

Beginning the lesson

  • Wait by the door and greet the children as they arrive.
  • (An activity to revise the vocabulary of the story.)
    Tell the children to try to recall the last episode of the story (p. 27).
  • Draw simple sketches of the animals (duckling, cat, dog) on the board and say incorrect statements about each one. Have the children respond.

    Teacher: A dog can fly.
    Child: No.
    Teacher: A duckling can run.
    Child: No. etc

Presentation & Practice

  • (Activities to present the story.)
    Draw a large 31 on the board. Point to it, mime and say: Open your books at page thirty-one!
  • Hold up your book. Point to the rabbit and ask: What’s this? Elicit the answer: rabbit. The children repeat, chorally and individually. Repeat this time pointing to the Ugly Duckling. 6 Play the cassette/CD. Children listen.
  • Play the cassette/CD again and pause after each line for children to repeat, chorally and individually.

    Ugly Duckling: I ’m a duckling. What are you? I can’t fly at all, Can you?
    Rabbit: I ’m a rabbit. I can jump all day! But you’re so ugly. Go away!

  • Hold up your book, point to the picture of the rabbit and say: A rabbit can jump. Children repeat, chorally and individually.
  • Have children work in pairs and assign the roles of Ugly Duckling and rabbit. Demonstrate yourself first.

    Teacher: I ‘m a duckling, What are you?
    Child: I ‘m a rabbit.
    Teacher: I can’t fly at all, Can you?
    Child: I can jump all day!

Before going into class
Photocopy the corresponding activity page of the story (one per child).

  • Hand out a photocopy to each child. Explain the activity. The children join the dots and colour the picture. Allow children some time to complete the task. Check children’s answers. 

Ending the lesson

  • Mime an animal from the module, making the movements and noises of that animal. Invite children to guess which animal you are. Invite the first child to guess correctly to come to the front of the class and mime a different animal for the others to guess. Repeat as many times as you feel is necessary.


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