Быкова 2 класс. Unit 1. The Ugly Duckling

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Aims: To present the story of the Ugly Duckling. Pupil Language: Look at my ducklings – Come and see! – One, two, three!
Teacher Language: Open your books. – What are you? – How many ducklings?
Extra Materials: Pictures of a duck, rabbit, mouse and a tortoise. – Photocopies of activity story page (Extension). – Balloons and felt-tip pens (Ending the lesson).

Beginning the lesson

  • Wait by the door and greet the children as they arrive. Point to and introduce yourself to the class. Say: Hello, I’m (Mrs Brown).
  • Repeat the process with individual children. Mime and say: I’m (Mrs Brown), Point to a child and elicit his/her name. Model the response. e.g. I’m John
    (Activities to explore the theme of the story.)
  • Pin up the pictures, one at a time, and say the appropriate words. Children repeat, chorally and individually. Hold up the duck picture and say: I’m a duck. Hand out the other pictures to selected children and invite them to do the same.
  • Present the word duckling. Tell children that a duckling is a baby duck. Children repeat, chorally and individually.
  • Divide the class into groups of 4 children and assign the roles of duckling, rabbit, mouse, tortoise. Teach them the following lines: I’m a duckling. What are you? Have the child who plays the part of the ugly duckling introduce himself to the rest of the children in the group, one by one.

    Child 1: I’m a duckling. What are you?
    Child 2: I’m a rabbit, etc

Presentation & Practice (Activities to present the story.)

  • Draw a large 7 on the board. Point to it, mime and say: Open your books at page seven!
  • Hold up your book. Point to each animal in the picture and say the appropriate word. Children repeat, chorally and individually. Ask: How many ducklings? (Three)
  • Play the cassette/CD. Children listen. Play the cassette/CD again and pause after each line to give children time to repeat, chorally and individually.

    Mummy Duck: Look at my ducklings,
    Come and see!
    Look at my ducklings.
    One, two, three!

Before going into class
Photocopy the corresponding page activity of the story (one per child)
Extension: Hand out a photocopy to each child. Explain the activity. Allow children some time to complete task. Check children’s answers.

  • Point to the unhatched egg in the picture and ask children to picture what they think the “Ugly Duckling” is going to look like. Ask children to draw and colour the “Ugly Duckling”. Once they finish, have children show their drawings to the class and say: Look at my Ugly Duckling. Display their work in class.

Ending the lesson

  • Bring some balloons and felt-tip pens to the class. Blow up a balloon for each child and have them draw an animal face (duck, rabbit, mouse, tortoise) on it. Children show their balloon to the class and say: I’m a duck. etc.


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