Быкова 2 класс. Unit 1. Lesson A. Exercise 2 – Chit-Chat

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  • (An activity for children to communicate in English.)
    Refer children to the first picture and elicit the names of the characters. Play the cassette/CD, pointing to the characters as they speak. Children repeat, chorally and individually. Elicit the exchanges for the second picture. Then play the cassette/CD. Children repeat, chorally and individually.

    Nanny: Hello, my name’s Nanny Shine, What’s your name?
    Larry: Hello, I’m Larry.
    Nanny: Hello, my name’s Nanny Shine, What’s your name?
    Lulu: Hello, I’m Lulu

  • Flashcards (Nanny, boy, girl)
    Children close their books. Hold up the flashcards of Nanny, boy. Assign the roles of Nanny and Larry to two children and invite them to act out the exchange. Demonstrate this yourself first. Do the same with the flashcards of Nanny, girl.
    Extension: Invite children, in pairs, to act out similar exchanges.

    Jim: Hello, My name’s Jim. What’s your name? Julie: Hello, I’m Julie, etc.


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