Быкова 2 класс. Module 1. Fun at school. Exercise 2 – Find the colours!

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Aims: To explore other subject areas (Art). To understand the concept of primary and secondary colours.
Pupil Language: Purple, green, orange.
Teacher Language: What colour is this?
Extra Materials: Watercolours – paintbrushes.

  • Tell children, in L1, that red, yellow and blue are primary colours. You can’t make them by mixing any other colours, whereas a secondary colour is made by mixing two primary colours.
  • Refer the children to the picture and explain the task. Divide the class into groups of three. Give each group a set of watercolours and a paintbrush. Allow the children enough time to complete the task. Check their answers.
    red + blue = purple 
    blue + yellow = green
    yellow + red = orange
    Alternatively, children work on their own and colour in the splodges.


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