Биболетова 6 класс, 2014 – Модуль 2 – Раздел 4 – Учебник

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Прочитай диалог. Догадайся, какие вопросы задали Никита и Оливия.
1. When does your school begin?
2. Do you have lessons in the same classroom?
3. How many lessons do you usually have?
4. How do you address your teachers?
5. Do you have a lunch at school?
6. When do you go to eat in the canteen?
7. What play did you perform last year?
8. Has your school any sports facilities?
9. What kind of events have you got in your school?
Закончите текст словами have to / must / mustn ‘t / can / could / may / can ‘t / needn’t. Иногда возможен более, чем один ответ.
1. must / have to
2. mustn’t / can’t
3. may; could / can
4. mustn’t; may / can
5. can / may
6. needn’t
7. can
8. needn’t
9. must / have to
Прочитай и скажи, почему Вильяму было жалко нового мальчика.
William was sorry for the new boy, because he had understood, how painful it was for him to be the most stupid in the class. Maybe he was not stupid at all, maybe he only had some problem with Maths.
But the truth was that he only helped the new teacher to conduct his lessons.
Закончите предложения.
1. — с;
2. — b;
3. — a;
4. — b.
Прочитай фэктфайл о британских школах. Создай такой же для русских школ. Скажи, что между ними общего.
Age of students.
British schools: Primary school is for children who are 4 / 5-11 years old. Secondary school is for children who are 11-16 (or 18) years old
Russian schools: Primary school is for children who are 6- 10 years old. Secondary school is for children who are 10-16 (or 18) years old.
British schools: At primary school-. English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, In-formation Technology (IT), Foreign Languages, Religious Studies, Physical Education (PE).
At secondary school: the same subjects plus Citizenship and some other subjects.
Russian schools: At primary school: Russian, Reading, Maths, Art and Design, Music, Information Technology (IT), Foreign Languages, Physical Education (PE). At secondary school: the same subjects plus Geography, Literature, Science, History, Citizenship and some other subjects.
School uniform.
British schools: In most primary and secondary schools pupils have to wear a school uniform.
Russian schools: In most primary and secondary schools pupils have to wear a school uniform.
Clubs and sports facilities.
British schools: Most British schools provide lots of activities after schools. They also have good sports facilities for playing football, tennis, basketball, etc.
Russian schools: Most Russian schools provide lots of activities after schools too. They also have good sports facilities for playing football, tennis, basketball, etc.
Прочитай текст и скажи, куда ученики поедут летом.
Carol and her classmates are going to a tropical rainforest to discover different flowers and plants.
Прочитай и переведи следующие фразы.
1. class job — работа в классе
2. school year — школьный год
3. class pet — питомец класса
4. school uniform — школьная форма
5. school event — школьное мероприятие
6. sports facilities — условия для занятий спортом
7. theatre group — театральный кружок
8. grammar rule — грамматическое правило
9. school term — школьная четверть
Переведи на русский язык подчеркнутые предложения.
1. В этот день учительница раздавала каждому мальчику и девочке работу в классе, за которую они будут отвечать весь учебный год.
2. Ей пришлось заботиться об этом растении.
3. Она узнала, где оно растет, любит ли светлые или затененные места, и как часто нужно его поливать.
4. Он принес вам замечательную новость.
5. Сегодня опубликовали результаты соревнования, в котором вы принимали участие.
6. Ваша школа проявила самую лучшую заботу о тропическом растении, которое вы получили в начале учебного года.
7. И вы добьетесь успеха!
Прочитай предложения и скажи, какие из них верны. Исправь неверные утверждения.
1. false, in the first week of the term;
2. true;
3. true;
4. false, the best job was to take care about the class pet;
5. true;
6. false; her father even told her to pay no attention to this plant;
7. true;
8. false, he was a scientist.
Посмотри на картинки к упр.71. Найди в тексте предложения, соответствующие картинкам.
1. In the first week of the term, the teacher gave jobs to her students.
2. She had to take care of this plant.
3. She took care of her little plant for the whole school year and in spring, the plant became nice and strong. Beautiful big red flowers appeared on it.
4. Your class has been chosen to accompany me, this summer, on a journey to a tropical rain forest.
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