Биболетова 6 класс, 2014 – Модуль 2 – Раздел 3 – Рабочая тетрадь

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Прочитай слова в транскрипции. Запиши их буквами. Пометь, исчисляемое ли это существительное (С) или нет (V).
1. yoghurt — U
2. juice — U
3. butter — U
4. strawberry — C
5. porridge — U
6. bread — U
7. pudding — C
8. egg – C
9. apricot — C
Вставь пропущенные буквы.
Tourist, juice, sausage, pleasant, biscuit, takeaway, yoghurt, breakfast, various, hamburger, meal, delicious, restaurant, instead.
а) Составь словосочетания.
1. a bottle of milk
2. a glass of apple juice
3. a cup of coffee / tea
4. a box of chocolates
5. a slice of bacon
6. a piece of bread
7. a glass of mineral water / Coke
8. a box of biscuits
9. a slice of cheese
10. a piece of pizza
б) Придумай 4 предложения с этими словами.
1. Would you like to have a cup of coffee, please?
2. What would you prefer: a glass of Coke or mineral water?
3. The children presented their teacher a box of chocolates.
4. My father likes pizza very much.
Закончи предложения, вставляя a, an, some, где необходимо.
1. a; some;
2. a; an; some;
3. some;
4. some; a; some;
5. some;
6. an.
Закончи текст. Ответь на вопросы.
1. lunch
2. national
3. drink
4. meal
5. unhappy
6. instead of
Прочитай меню и закончи диалоги.
1. — Hello!
— Hello! Can I have hamburger and chips, please?
— Anything to drink?
— Yes, a cup of tea, please.
— Would you like green or black tea?
— Green, please.
— Anything else?
— No, thanks.
2. — It’s a nice cafft, isn’t it?
— Yes, we like eating here.
— Can you recommend anything?
— They have a tasty apple pie. You can also try chicken and chips if you are hungry.
— OK, I’ll try the chicken. And a cheese cake.
— And I’ll take green salad and a glass of orange juice.
Закончи текст, употребляя слова в нужной форме.
1. is
2. most famous
3. began
4. first
5. teaches
6. has
7. them
8. doesn’t want
9. children
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