Баранова, Starlight 9. Учебник. Module 2a

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1 crickets
2 tarantula
3 ants
4 grasshoppers
5 scorpion
In my country flies, ants, grasshoppers, crickets, bees, wasps, butterflies, cockroaches, caterpillars and fleas are common.
They make me feel disgusted. I would never try eating such dishes. I couldn’t eat insects.
Many people around the world eat insects. People in South Africa eat insects and soon they will also appear on Western menus. Their benefits are that they are high in protein and low in fat.
1 F 3 H 5 В 7 E
2 A 4 G 6 D
makes your stomach churn = disgusts you
delicacy = rare/expensive food
pop = put quickly
contamination = harmful dirt
tucking into = eating with enjoyment
agreeable = good
edible = safe to eat
abundant = widely available
get over = overcome
knights in shining armour = rescuers
I like deep-fried chicken. I like roasted potatoes. I eat carrots raw. I love eating steamed rice. I often eat toasted bread. One of my favourite foods is chocolate covered bananas. I like steak marinated and grilled. I enjoy eating scrambled eggs. I really like snacking on roasted peanuts. I love grilled fish and barbecued shrimp.
1 ‘m going to visit (future plan /intention)
2 ‘m making (fixed future arrangement)
3 ‘ll do (promise)
4 ‘ll eat (on-the-spot decision)
5 ‘re staying (fixed future arrangement)
6 ‘ll go (on-the-spot decision)
7 ‘ll have (on-the-spot decision)
8 is opening (fixed future arrangement)
9 ‘s going to (prediction based on what we see)
10 ‘m going to (fixed future arrangement)
I ‘m going to the cinema this weekend with my friends. I’m studying for a test tonight. Next summer, I think I’ll get a job and earn some money.
I learnt that four fifths of countries in the world already eat insects. I also learnt that we eat a half a kilo of insects through food contamination. Another interesting thing I learnt is that insects are high in protein and low in fat. Finally, I learnt that eating insects would help solve the problem of feeding the world’s growing population in an environmentally friendly way.
Attitudes towards eating insects are definitely changing. In the Western World people are realising that insect farming is environmentally friendly and a possible solution to feeding the growing world population. In addition, insects taste good and are prepared in delicious ways resulting in more people liking them and wanting to eat them. They are also a healthy food which is high in protein and low in fat. After reading the article, I would be interested in trying some dishes to see if they really taste good.
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