Баранова, Starlight 9. Учебник. Module 1. Russia

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They probably live in a cold environment because of the reindeer they herd. They won’t have ordinary jobs in factories or offices; they’ll be outside looking after the reindeer all day. They could live in tents that can be moved to follow the reindeer. Their clothes are probably made out of reindeer skin or materials they make by hand. A tribe like this always has a rich culture that has not been influenced by television and Hollywood films. They must have plenty of problems, however; winter especially must be very difficult.
1 E (few environments, more challenging, biting cold, endure winter temperatures of-50°C)
2 В (owe their survival to the reindeer they herd)
3 H (home, centre for cooking and heating water, male space, female space).
4 D (work ethic, most speak Russian, but when speaking amongst themselves…)
5 A (under threat, development such as new roads, railways and pipelines)
6 G (winter arrives later now and leaves earlier)
7 C (Despite all this…)
1 A hard way to live
2 Living off the reindeer
3 Home-made home
4 Labour and language
5 The land under threat
6 Less cold, more trouble
7 More popular with the people
1 idyllic
2 shrinking
3 biting
4 endure
5 split
6 supplement
My people have lived off the reindeer for generations. We live far from the villages and towns and, in my opinion, we live a better life. We don’t have the stress that people in the big cities have. We have a simple diet and make most of what we need. That’s not to say that it’s an easier life. Times are hard and the pastures are getting smaller and smaller and hunting gets more and more difficult with each passing year.
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