Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 6h

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I think bees communicate by dancing, plants communicate silently, ants communicate in an organised way and cuttlefish use their skin to communicate.
1 A … it rubs its antennae … pass on the good news.
2 В Bees make a series of dance-like movements … location of food.
3 C Cuttlefish put on an amazing display of colours … hide from predators.
4 P … send chemical messages that attract the caterpillar’s worst enemies, wasps.
1 rub
2 release
3 signal
4 pile
5 pass on
6 warning
7 nervous
8 display
Horses rub noses as a sign of affection.
Ants release chemicals to signal alarm or to pass on the news about a pile of crumbs.
Trees can send warning signals to other trees if they are attacked by fungi or insects.
The cuttlefish’s nervous system controls its skin colour and they can put on an amazing display of colours to attract prey.
Chimpanzees greet each other by touching hands.
White-tailed deer flick up their tails when they want to warn other deer of danger.
When elephants twist their trunk round another elephant’s trunk, it means they like each other.
Swans twist their long necks together when they fight off another male.
Kangaroos warn each other of danger by thumping their hind legs on the ground.
Whales leap out of the water many times to send messages to other whales. They also sing.
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