Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 5g

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Types of institutions: online university, vocational college (technical college)
Buildings & facilities: lecture theatre, classroom, hall of residence, gym, canteen (auditorium, cafeteria)
Subjects: Media Studies, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Medicine (Law, Physics)
Types of learning: lecture (practical)
People: librarian, professor, tutor, head of department (secretary, lab technician)
In picture A, there are two teenage students sitting at a table. The girl on the left is wearing a blue T-shirt and using a laptop. The boy on the right is wearing a longsleeved light blue jumper and is looking in a textbook. They may be researching the same topic together or working on a project together. They could be in a library. In picture B, there are two older students and a teacher. The woman on the right is wearing a white jumper and is using a computer. The teacher is looking at the screen over her shoulder. He is wearing a white shirt and a dark blue tank top. There is a man on the left who is also looking at the woman’s screen. He’s got a dark complexion. He’s got a moustache and is wearing a striped shirt. All of them may be in a classroom learning practical computer skills.
I think studying with another student outside the classroom such as when working on a project is effective. It teaches students to work independently and solve problems on their own.
I think learning in a classroom with a teacher/tutor is effective because the teacher is on hand to answer any questions you may have. Also, the teacher can demonstrate a practical exercise while you watch.
In picture C, there is a lecturer giving a lecture in a lecture hall full of students. He is standing at a podium and there is a microphone in front of him. It must be a university.
In picture D, there is a student sitting at a desk in front of a computer looking at the screen. There are lots of books open in front of him. He may be taking an online course.
Both pictures show students learning in different situations. In picture C, there is a lecturer giving a lecture in a lecture hall full of students, whereas in picture D, there is a student sitting at a desk in front of a computer on his own. The students in picture C seem to be in a university although in picture D the student may be at home or at a library. The students are learning together in picture C while the student in picture D is learning alone. I’d say the students in picture C are being presented with all the relevant information whereas the student in picture D may be having more difficulty finding the relevant information because there are lots of books open in front of him. Both the pictures show a different method of learning.
The advantages of lectures are that students are given an overview of the main themes and guidance on how to research further. The lecturer gives students a reading list of relevant material and raises questions to develop students’ thinking. The disadvantages are that lectures are passive and not interactive and they can sometimes be boring.
The advantages of online learning are that it is easy to access and convenient. Students can study whenever they want and for as long as they want. The disadvantages are that online learning isolates students and it requires computer skills.
I think classroom learning is the most enjoyable because the teacher tells you everything you need to know and you can discuss things with the teacher and your classmates. If you have a problem with your homework you can call a classmate and talk about it. I think online learning or studying on your own can make you feel isolated. On the other hand, I think lectures are very difficult because there is so much extra reading to do.
1B 2E 3F 4D 5A
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