Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 4i

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A2 В1 C4 D3
1 set
2 tells the story of
3 put it down
4 is based on
5 absorbed
6 main
7 dull, twist
8 bestseller
1 gripping
2 intriguing
3 evil
4 fast-paced
5 thrilling
6 dark
7 life-changing
8 realistic
9 satisfying
1 predictable
2 original
3 mysterious
4 gripping
5 heart-warming
6 well-developed, likeable
7 surprising
8 strong
1 would definitely recommend
2 couldn’t put it down
3 you are looking for
4 is definitely for you
5 I’ve ever read
6 make sure it’s this one
7 won’t regret it
8 In my opinion
I thoroughly recommend … , It is well worth reading., If you like romance and excitement … this satisfying sequel will not disappoint you., Don’t miss it!
Key words: website, book reviews, write your review, adventure-fantasy story, plot, making general comments, your recommendation
1 a book review
2 readers of the website
3 mostly present tenses
4 Items to be ticked: name of author, whether you recommend it, main points of plot, general comments on characters/plot, etc
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan is the first book in a new series called The Heroes Of Olympus. It is a thrilling adventure-fantasy novel set in modern-day America about three teen semi-gods and their battles against monsters.
The story begins when Jason Grace finds himself sitting on a school bus with his classmates on a field trip to the Grand Canyon. Sitting with Jason on the bus are his two friends Piper and Leo, but Jason remembers nothing; not even who he is. To make matters worse, an evil spirit takes hold of their bus and the three heroes are suddenly forced together to fight ancient monsters and characters from Greek mythology and stop an evil scheme to destroy the Olympian gods.
It has a brilliant plot full of fast-paced action and interesting characters. The stories of the three main characters are well-developed and linked to each other in a clever way. The dynamic heroes are very likeable and there are realistic portrayals of the issues young people deal with today.
I thoroughly recommend The Lost Hero. If you love gripping adventure and breathtaking action, then this is the book for you. Don’t miss it!
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