Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 4d

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Tourist: This is the right place to get tickets for the Tower of London, isn’t it? Could you tell me what the ticket price includes, please? I’d like to book some tickets for this afternoon then, please.
Ticket office attendant: Yes, it certainly is. How many tickets would you like? My pleasure. Enjoy your visit.
That’s right. – Yes, it certainly is.
What do you get for the price of the ticket? – Could you tell me what the ticket price includes, please?
You’re welcome. Have a great time. – My pleasure.
Enjoy your visit.
1 shall we?
2 didn’tyou?
3 will you?
4 doesn’the?
5 could you?
6 willyou?
1 expects an answer (^)
2 asks for confirmation (v)
3 asks for confirmation (v)
4 expects an answer (^)
5 expects an answer (^)
6 asks for confirmation (v)
A: Good morning. This is the right place to get tickets for the London Ghost Bus Tour, isn’t it?
B: That’s right.
A: Could you tell me what the ticket price includes, please?
B: Sure. It includes stories of London’s past told by a conductor and onboard entertainment with real actors.
A: Sounds great. I’d like to book some tickets for tomorrow night then, please.
B: Yes, of course. How many tickets would you like?
A: 2 adults and two children, please.
B: OK. That’s 50 for a family ticket then.
A: Alright. Here you are.
B: Thanks.
A: Could you tell me where the tour bus starts from?
B: Sure. It starts from Northumberland Avenue, just off Trafalgar Square at 7:30 pm and 9 pm.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You’re welcome. Have a great time.
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