Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 3. Language in Use

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1 in
2 in
3 on
4 out
5 over
6 out
1 to
2 on
3 under
4 to
5 to
6 in
1 vicious
2 long term
3 toxic
4 badly
5 walking
6 unique
7 hair-raising
8 natural
9 scruffy
10 solstice
1 superheroes
2 telecommunications
3 autobiography
4 ex-husband
5 interaction
1 wandered/settled
2 swarm/attacked
3 grab/public
4 spent/biting
5 doubt
1 F (The number will triple.)
2 T
3 T
4 F (It takes place in the summer in June.)
5 T
6 F (a tenth)
7 F (They cover 6-7% of the Earth.)
8 F (It means a native of Rio.)
1 Europeans first explored the Amazon in the 15th century. (F They first explored it in the 16th century.)
2 You can go camping at the Glastonbury Festival. (T)
3 Rio de Janeiro is in Brazil. (T)
4 A viper is a deadly snake. (T)
5 Ed Stafford walked halfway along the Amazon River. (F He walked its entire length.)
6 Glastonbury is a British festival. (T)
7 The Congo is the biggest rainforest in the world. (F The Amazon is the biggest rainforest in the world.)
8 137 species of animals and plants become extinct every day because of deforestation. (T)
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