Баранова, 6. Учебник. Module 5i

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There are five oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Southern and the Arctic oceans.
They are in danger because of pollution and overfishing.
A 2 The Oceans of the Earth
В 1 Ocean Life
C 6 Why they are important
D 4 The Oceans in Danger
E 5 Protecting the Oceans
cover (v): to form a layer over the top of sth
surface (n): the outer layer of sth
make up (phr v): to form
water supply (n): a source of water
survival (n): managing to stay alive
record (v): to make notes on
mammal (n): an animal that produces milk to feed its young
coral reef (n): a long quantity of connected small sea animals that make a wall just below the surface of the water
majestic (adj): impressive
whale (n): a large mammal that lives in the sea
wind pattern (n): a specific path taken by moving air
rainfall (n): an amount of rain that comes to earth
ocean current (n): a movement of water in the ocean
heat (n): high temperatures
take out (phr v): to remove
poison (v): to kill with deadly substance
overfishing (n): catching too many fish
end up (phr v): to eventually arrive at
protect (v): to care for, look after
1 mammal
2 poisons
3 surface
I learned that the oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface. They take carbon dioxide out of the air and we’ve only explored 10% of the oceans so far.
The oceans are important because they provide 97% of the Earth’s water supply. They are home to hundreds of thousands of creatures. They also help to control wind patterns, rainfall, temperature and carbon dioxide levels.
The Pacific Ocean covers an area of 165.2 million km2. It is the largest of the five oceans. There are more than 25,000 islands in the Pacific Ocean.
The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of the Earth’s oceans. It has an area of about 106.4 million km2, and looks like an S shape.
The Indian Ocean is the warmest ocean in the world and it contains about 20% of the water on the Earth’s surface.
The Southern Ocean is the fourth largest ocean in the world and is the coldest ocean on the planet with temperatures between -2°C and 10°C. Sailors believe it is the most dangerous ocean. It is also known as the Great Southern Ocean, the Antarctic Ocean and the South Polar Ocean.
The Arctic Ocean is the world’s smallest ocean and the only place where polar bears live. More fish live along the edges of this ocean than anywhere else on Earth. The floating ice on the Arctic is four times bigger than the state of Texas.
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