Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, Rainbow English, 6. Учебник. Unit 6. Step 6

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1) lazy;
2) greedy;
3) kind;
4) clever.
1) lazy;
2) hard-working;
3) greedy;
4) honest;
5) brave;
6) selfish;
7) kind, reliable;
8) brave, stupid;
9) honest;
10) reliable;
11) modest.
1) was;
2) took (was taking);
3) won;
4) gave;
5) decided;
6) wanted;
7) to work;
8) didn’t take;
9) went;
10) travelled;
11) had;
12) worked;
13) made (was making);
14) met;
15) am;
16) said;
17) will be;
18) did not believe;
19) was not;
20) don’t know.
1) should;
2) should;
3) should, shouldn’t;
4) shouldn’t, should;
5) shouldn’t;
6) should;
7) shouldn’t;
8) shouldn’t, should.
1) …, should they?
2) …, shouldn’t she?
3) …, shouldn’t they?
4) …, should he?
5) …, should we?
1) Steve shouldn’t take his sister’s things.
2) Jane should help her granny in the garden.
3) Jane shouldn’t shout at her dog.
4) Steve should be more hard-working.
5) Jane and Steve shouldn’t swim in cold water.
6) Jane and Steve should be more friendly and helpful.
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