Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, Rainbow English, 6. Учебник. Unit 2. Step 5

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2) 80;
3) 214.
3) the;
5) the;
6) the;
7) the;
8) the;
9) the.
1) north;
2) west or southwest;
3) south;
4) southeast;
5) northwest;
6) west;
7) east;
8) southeast.
1) —;
2) —;
3) of;
4) of;
5) —;
6) of;
7) —;
8) —;
9) of;
10) of.
1g; 2f; 3b; 4c; 5e; 6d; 7a.
1) hundreds of animals;
2) thousands of birds;
3) millions of stars;
4) five hundred textbooks;
5) three thousand schools;
6) two million tourists.
1) as well;
2) also;
3) also;
4) also;
5) as well.
2) Scotland;
3) Wales;
4) Ireland;
5) Northern Ireland.
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