Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, 7. Учебник. Unit 6. Step 10

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1a, 2d, 3b, c — extra.
1c, 2b, 3d, a — extra.
1) The meal is so tasty. / It is such a tasty meal.
2) His arms are so strong. / He has such strong arms.
3) The rules are so useful. / They are such useful rules.
4) The film is so long. / It is such a long film.
5) This is so important. / It is such an important thing.
6) The children are so healthy and fit. / They are such healthy and fit children.
1) What a green and beautiful town! / How green and beautiful the town is!
2) What fresh mountain air! / How fresh (the) mountain air is!
3) What dangerous junk food! / How dangerous (the) junk food is!
4) What a clever idea! / How clever the idea is!
1) what;
2) too;
3) width;
4) leaving, cured;
5) up;
6) weight;
7) hardly, quite;
8) pain;
9) for;
10) of.
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