Афанасьева, Михеева, 8. Учебник. Unit 6. Упражнения 11-20

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1. You know the way so you should give her directions.
2. You should consult a dentist as soon as possible.
3. You should buy some tomatoes, carrots and cucumbers. Here’s the money.
4. You should post it on your way to school.
5. You should try to get up earlier on weekdays.
6. She should wash them before she wears them again.
1. You should have given Ann directions when she asked you.
2. You should have consulted a dentist when you understood that there was something wrong with it.
3. You should have bought some tomatoes, carrots and cucumbers when you were in the supermarket.
4. You should have posted it when you went to the post office yesterday.
5. You should have got up earlier today.
6. She should have washed them before she put them on.
A. I — a; 2 — a; 3 — b; 4 — b; 5 — a; 6 — b.
B. 1) radio and television; 2) daily; 3) evening; 4) national; 5) daily; 6) popular (tabloids); 7) special interest (specialist)
1) – a); 2) – a); 3) – b); 4) – a); 5) – b); 6) – a); 7) – b); 8) – b)
1. They give all sorts of useful information.
2. Information on such popular subjects as weather, TV programmes, prices, fashion, gardening, show business etc.
3. They either take a serious line or a more popular (less serious) one.
4. British papers tend not to combine the serious and the popular approach.
5. In popular papers one can find more photographs, larger eye-catching headlines, the print may be larger and the stories shorter than in serious papers.
6. Serious and popular, which depends on how the papers treat the news. Daily and weekly, which
depends on how often they are published. Morning and evening, which depends on when they are published. Local, national and even international, which depends on where they are sold. General interest and
specialist newspapers, which depends on the interests of people for whom they are meant.
7. The symbol of the British press is Fleet Street —a street in London which used to be home of many national newspapers. The place was good for paper publishing as it was conveniently
situated close to railway stations and some important institutions.
8. The Times, The Guardian, The Financial Times, The independent, The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, The Sunday Times.
9. Sunday papers are special weekly editions coming out on Sundays.
10. Most of serious British papers are much thicker than Russian papers. Their sections are separated from each other.
Some of the things that Prince William likes are: working on a farm, Scotland, going out sometimes, Aston Villa football team.
Some of the things that he dislikes: the media intruding into his life.
2) his family; 5) his hobbies; 9) what kind of people he dislikes
1) the media won’t invade his privacy; 2) the gap year; 3) the highlight of the year; 4) did all the chores; 5) community feel; 6) after your degree; 7) I don’t care about their backgrounds; 8) I’m looking forward to being able to manage my own time in a relaxed atmosphere; 9) I’m not a party animal; 10) media intrusion into your student life; 11) the way the media treated me; 12) too curious and intrusive
A. 1) Жаловаться на то, что музыка играет слишком громко; на то, что рейс задерживается; на то, что деньги не выплачиваются во время;
2) мечтать о том, чтобы поехать в отпуск; о том, чтобы взять выходной; о том, чтобы найти хорошую работу;
3) упрекать кого-то за то, что тот пришел слишком поздно; за опоздание на поезд; за то, что тот плохо написал контрольную;
4) удержать кого-то от того, чтобы сказать правду; от того, чтобы он попал в беду; от ссоры;
5) преуспеть в постановке пьесы; в том, чтобы написать хороший рассказ; в ремонте велосипеда;
6) быть способным; работать изо всех сил; сделать правильный выбор; вежливо разговаривать с людьми;
7) с нетерпением ждать того, чтобы отправиться домой; похода в Британский музей; того, чтобы позвать гостей;
8) возражать против того, чтобы тратить деньги; против переезда в другой город; того, чтобы смотреть телевизор так поздно;
9) привыкнуть вставать рано; читать по-английски; есть китайскую пищу.
В. 1. I object to moving to another city.
2. I dream of (about) learning several languages.
3. I complain of the flight being delayed.
4. I don’t blame him for spoiling the party (for the spoiled party).
5. I succeeded in writing a good story.
6. Did you manage to stop (keep, prevent) them from quarrelling?
7. I respect people who are capable of telling the truth.
8. I’m used to reading English books in the original.
9. I look forward (I’m looking forward) to seeing the new film.
10. Whom do you blame for missing the train?
11. In this restaurant nobody complains of bad cooking.
12. I look forward (I’m looking forward) to getting his letter.
13. Nobody could keep (stop, prevent) him from making this terrible mistake.
14. You succeeded in organizing a great party.
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