Афанасьева, Михеева, 8. Учебник. Unit 2. Упражнения 21-30

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Перевод задания: Какие ещё 3 вопроса вам бы хотелось спросить о школе Hampton?
1. had gone; would be.
2. hadn’t had; wouldn’t have.
3. hadn’t followed; wouldn’t be.
4. hadn’t traveled; wouldn’t know.
5. hadn’t been encouraged; wouldn’t be.
6hadnn’t tried to learn to sing; would do.
1. If Johnny hadn’t watched a football match last night, he wouldn’t be so tired and sleepy now.
2. If I hadn’t visited my granny at the weekend, I would know nothing about her decision.
3. If Rose had finished her report last Friday, she would begin a new project next Monday.
4. If Paul liked swimming, he would have gone to the swimming pool.
5. Mary wouldn’t feel so miserable if her children had telephoned her yesterday to say happy birthday.
6. If little William hadn’t bathed in cold water, he would not be ill now.
7. I would play tennis with you if I had taken tennis lessons last autumn.
8. We wouldn’t have to water the garden if it had rained yesterday.
9. I would go to the party tomorrow if I had bought that lovely dress we saw in the shop yesterday.
10. If you had told me the truth earlier I wouldn’t feel so stupid now.
Перевод задания: Составьте предложения как в примере.
Пример: He we hadn’t missed our train yesterday, we wouldn’t be late for the conference now.
Перевод задания: Скажите 10 вещей о себе как в примере.
1. Если бы не её замечание, они не пожаловались бы на шум.
2. Если бы не новая работа Тома, он бы продолжил своё образование.
3. Если бы не мои родители, я не побывала бы в Париже.
4. Если бы не дождь, они бы пошли куда-нибудь.
5. Если бы не дедушкин слуховой аппарат, у него не было бы возможности узнавать новости.
6. Если бы не новый приятель Каролины, я бы так не волновался за неё.
7. Если бы не конференция, Филип никогда бы не вернулся в родной город.
1. But for your sandwiches we would have got very hungry during the excursion to the Botanical garden.
2. You would feel better but for your high temperature.
3. But for Mother’s telephone call I would be very worried now.
4. But for John’s silly joke Lisa wouldn’t have cried after classes yesterday.
5. But for his dirty boots Ted would have looked smart at the party yesterday.
6. But for your help I would have never fixed this stupid shelf.
7. But for your cheat-sheet the teacher wouldn’t be angry with us now.
8. I would have believed him then but for his deceitful smile.
1- c
2- a
3- d
4- b
1. The adverb is quickly, it says “how” and modifies the verb.
2. The adverb is always, it says “how often/when” and modifies the verb.
3. The adverb is here, it says “where” and modifies the verb.
4. The adverb is angrily, it says “how” and modifies the verb.
5. The adverb is yesterday, it says “when” and modifies the verb.
6. The adverb is sometimes, it says “when” and modifies the verb.
7. The adverb is inside, it says “where” and modifies the verb.
8. The adverb is silently, it says “how” and modifies the verb.
9. The adverb is nervously, it says “how” and modifies the verb.
10. The adverbs are well and better, it says “how” and modifies the verbs.
11. The adverb is far, it says “where” and modifies the verb.
12. The adverb is far, it says “where” and modifies the verb.
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