Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Учебник. Unit 1. Step 2

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Найдите соответствия в колонках.
1) f;
2) d;
3) c;
4) j;
5) a;
6) h;
7) b;
8) e;
9) i;
10) g;
11) k.
Дополните предложения.
1) I remember the day when I met my friend.
2) I remember the place where I played football.
3) I remember the song which was popular last year.
4) I remember the man who taught me to swim.
5) I remember the time when I didn’t need to go to school.
6) I remember the book which impressed me much.
1) I am proud of my marks.
2) My parents are proud of me.
3) My friend is proud of his dog.
4) My teacher is proud of her pupils.
5) We are proud of our country.
Скажите, что и когда построили в Нортоне.
They built a shop in the city of Norton in 2000.
They built a swimming bath in the city of Norton in 1978.
They built a building in the city of Norton in 1754.
They built a palace of music in the city of Norton in 2001.
They built a castle in the city of Norton in 1872.
They built a school in the city of Norton in 1995.
They built a post office in the city of Norton in 1968.
They built a cafe in the city of Norton in 1981.
They built a bus station in the city of Norton in 1954.
They built a sky scraper in the city of Norton in 1986.
They built a monument in the city of Norton in 1920.
They built a university in the city of Norton in 1952.
They built a hospital in the city of Norton in 1833.
Скажите, что это.
1) The Pacific is the ocean.
2) Canada is a country.
3) The Appalachians are the mountains.
4) Mexico is a country.
5) The Mississippi is a river.
6) The Ontario is a lake.
7) The Colorado is a river.
8) Alaska is a state.
9) Hawaii is a state.
10) The Atlantic is the ocean.
11) The USA is a country.
12) The Huron is a lake.
Используйте новые слова для заполнения пропусков в предложении.
1) lily-of-the-valley;
2) islands;
3) deepest;
4) coast;
5) large;
6) large, the largest;
7) flows;
8) chain;
9) deep;
10) parts;
11) plains;
12) lies;
13) stretching.
Дополните предложения.
1) another;
2) another;
3) other;
4) others;
5) another;
6) other;
7) others;
8) another;
9) other;
10) others;
11) other;
12) others;
13) another;
14) other.
Попросите дополнительные предметы. Используйте слова из рамки.
1) cup;
2) jug;
3) box;
4) bag;
5) carton;
6) cup;
7) plate;
8) box;
9) cup;
10) box.
Посмотрите, насколько хорошо вы знаете географию США. Дайте название.
1) the Great Lakes;
2) New York;
3) the Mississippi;
4) the Appalachian;
5) the Rocky mountains;
6) Alaska;
7) Washington, D.C.;
8) the Great Plains.
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