Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Тест 5

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Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ после него.
1) а; 4) а;
2) b; 5) с;
3) с; 6) с.
Напишите, что они сделали до 6 часов вчера.
1) Alice had written a letter by 6 p.m. yesterday.
2) Olga had caught a butterfly by 6 p.m. yesterday.
3) Henry had gone shopping by 6 p.m. yesterday.
4) The Dears had worked in the garden by 6 p.m. yesterday.
5) John had washed his car by 6 p.m. yesterday.
Используйте предлоги, где нужно.
1) to;
2) over;
3) to;
4) in, for;
5) between;
6) of;
7) at;
8) — , out, of.
Вы хотите делать эти вещи со своим другом. Напишите, как вы это ему предложите.
1) Let’s take part in the 200 meter race.
2) What about having a climb up the mountains?
3) Why not keep to a diet of fruit and vegetables.
4) I feel like jogging. Let’s do it together!
Напишите, что сказал доктор своим пациентам.
1) The doctor asked how long had the patient been ill.
2) The doctor wondered when the patient had felt bad.
3) The doctor thought that the patient was coming down with a cold.
4) The doctor explained that the patient should take that medicine three times a day.
5) The doctor asked how often the patient caught colds.
Напишите слова.
1) ancient;
2) performance;
3) war;
4) peace;
5) field;
6) honour;
7) noble;
8) event;
9) cough;
10) excitement.
Откройте скобки и дополните текст.
1) had opened;
2) saw;
3) had grown;
4) could not;
5) stop;
6) had planned;
7) had never thought;
8) said;
9) am;
10) have learnt;
11) has done;
12) will be;
13) filled;
14) put.
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