Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Тест 4

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Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы. Запишите свои короткие ответы на вопросы.
1) Rainforest wood goes for sale.
2) They use land for feeding after they cut down the forests on it.
3) Japan uses wood.
4) We need to know more about rainforests not to destroy them.
5) The petroleum nuts tree is unusual because it can make fifty liters of oil every year.
6) Nothing can grow there, because the rain washes away the soil after the trees are cut.
7) People destroy rainforests because of money. It is not necessary, we can think of other ways to get money.
Дополните предложения, где нужно.
1) -;
2) in;
4) after;
5) from;
6) against;
7) from
Выберите нужное слово.
1) both;
2) all;
3) each;
4) both.
1) among;
2) between;
3) between;
4) among.
1) what;
2) how;
3) how;
4) what.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму.
1) Do we have to stay after classes to help clean the classroom?
2) Must everyone take part in project work?
3) Do we need to do some shopping today?
4) Does James have to get up early tomorrow?
5) Did my parents use to spend more time gardening when they were younger?
Напишите короткую инструкцию no выращиванию зеленого лука зимой.
The first thing you should do is to take a bulb. The next thing you should do is to fill a pot with good soil. Remember to choose a light place for growing the onions. Don’t forget to water it every day. Be careful to use clean fresh water. Another thing to remember is to wait patiently for some time after you have planted it till you see the onions.
Напишите эти слова.
1) behaviour;
2) population;
3) influence;
4) health;
5) environment;
6) nowadays;
7) survive;
8) endangered;
9) habitat;
10) destroy.
Откройте скобки и дополните текст.
1) had;
2) ate;
3) could;
4) grow;
5) came;
6) went;
7) was picking;
8) found;
9) became;
10) sat;
11) was preparing;
12) will take;
13) thought;
14) haven’t brought;
15) will go.

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