Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Unit 6

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Прочитайте тексты и соотнесите их с числами.
1) с; 2)-; 3) а; 4) d; 5) b.
Прочитайте текст и дополните его фразами.
1) с; 2. е; 3. а; 4. d; 5. b.
Прочитайте текст и поставьте его части в логическом порядке.
1) d; 2) b; 3) а; 4) с; 5) е.
Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ на вопрос после текста.
1) с; 3) а; 5) b;
2) с; 4) b; 6) с.
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
1) Yes, modern music if different from ancient music.
2) People began to compose music many centuries ago.
3) In ancient times music was composed in China, Egypt or Greece.
4) The modern method of writing music came from the Church.
5) The first opera was composed in 1600.
Дополните текст правильными хобби.
1) in-line hockey;
2) ballet;
3) motorcars;
4) yoga;
5) cycling.
Дополните слова и запишите.
1) gallery;
2) cloakroom;
3) china;
4) consider;
5) Renaissance;
6) expensive;
7) introduce;
8) circle;
9) circus;
10) certain;
11) receive;
12) concerto;
13) improvise;
14) ballet;
15) besides;
16) attentive;
17) magic;
18) concert;
19) stalls;
20) entertainment;
21) audience;
22) applaud;
23) price;
24) arrive;
25) dead;
26) ticket;
27) organize;
28) cardboard;
29) silver;
30) impression.
Напишите слова.
1) agree;
2) gold;
3) ballet;
4) cloakroom;
5) curtain;
6) foyer;
7) stalls;
8) emotion;
9) invitation;
10) programme;
11) conductor;
12) compose;
13) risen;
14) rose;
15) scenery;
16) impossible;
17) inspire;
18) receive;
19) buffet;
20) appear;
21) attention;
22) character;
23) Renaissance;
24) connect.
Переведите на русский.
1) Эллис посмотрела на меня грустно.
2) Эллис выглядела грустной.
3) Джэйн посмотрела на маму, но ничего не .сказала.
4) Гарри выглядел взволнованным.
5) Котенок выглядел несчастливым.
6) Ребенок выглядит здоровым.
7) Я посмотрел это слово в словаре.
8) Нэнси выглядела прекрасно в новой одежде.
9) Эндрю выглядел больным.
10) Больно смотреть на солнце.
Напишите на английском.
1) to speak loud;
2) to sound loud;
3) to laugh quietly;
4) to sound quite;
5) to feel good;
6) to look sadly;
7) to look sad;
8) to dance well;
9) to look bad;
10) to smell sweet;
11) to look young;
12) to look officially;
13) to taste sweet;
14) to taste fresh;
15) to look healthy.
Дополните текст словами и словосочетаниями из таблицы.
1) theatre;
2) famous ballet;
3) arrived;
4) cloakroom;
5) opera glasses;
6) gallery;
7) foyer;
8) fantastic;
9) scenery;
10) applauded;
11) impression.
Дополните предложения for или to.
1) for;
2) to;
3) for;
4) to;
5) to;
6) for;
7) to;
8) for.
Дополните предложения at или in.
1) in;
3) at;
4) in;
5) at;
6) in;
2) at;
7) at;
8) at;
9) at;
10) in
Соотнесите названия фильмов и категории.
1) d;
2) g;
3) f;
4) а;
5) е;
6) b;
7) с.
Дополните таблицу глаголов.
отпустить let let let
встречать meet met met
бороться fight fought fought
найти find found found
ударять strike struck struck
звонить ring rang rung
упасть fall fell fallen
брать take took taken
носить wear wore worn
есть eat ate eaten
выбрать choose chose chosen
Переведите на русский.
1) Билеты купили две недели назад.
2) Нас представили завучу.
3) Ее новая книга посвящена ее родителям.
4) Когда были построены эти церкви?
5) Кольцо сделано из золота.
6) Холл украсят завтра.
7) Апельсины выращивают в жарких странах.
8) Боюсь, письма не получат в пятницу.
9) Эта пьеса написана известным драматургом.
10) Старые листья обычно осенью сжигают.
1) Об актере много говорят.
2) С миссис Ван поговорят.
3) Флору всегда ждут. Она редко приходит вовремя.
4) Я уверен, за вашей собакой последят.
5) Профессора Брауна всегда внимательно слушают.
6) Этот словарь часто просят.
7) Над Максом всегда смеются.
8) За вашим старшим братом послали минуту назад.
9) О таких вещах не говорят на публике.
10) С Джоан поговорили, но она ничего не объяснила.
Выберите of или from и дополните предложения.
1) of;
2) from;
3) of
4) of
5) of
6) of
7) from;
8) from;
9) of;
10) of;
11) of;
12) of.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1) It is made from milk.
2) They keys are made of metal.
3) The tables are made of wood.
4) The porridge is made of seeds.
5) The desk is made of wood.
6) My socks are made of cotton.
7) Wedding rings are made of gold.
8) The cream is made of milk.
9) The omelette is made from eggs.
10) Solyanka is made from meat.
Переведите предложения в пассивный залог, где это возможно.
1) The plan was considered.
2) An official answer will be given.
3) 4) Horror films are not shown to children.
5) The conductor is not known.
6) The Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto is often played on the radio.
7) 8) Many talented composers are inspired by Tchaikovsky’s music.
9) 10) Anna Karenina was finished in 1877.
11) The letter won’t be received by him.
12) 13) 14) These parts are played by the best actors.
Измените предложения, поставив глаголы в прошедшее время.
1) were made;
2) was played;
3) were received;
4) was never visited;
5) was;
6) were often inspired;
7) was composed;
8) were never shown;
9) were often built.
Эти вещи обычно делают в разные сезоны. Напишите, что было сделано прошлой зимой, весной, летом и осенью.
Snowmen were made.
New skating-rinks were made.
Nests were built.
Flowers and trees were painted.
Bird-nests were made.
Nestling boxes were hung on the trees.
Vegetables were grown.
Flowers and trees were watered.
Fish were caught in rivers.
Fruit and vegetables were sold everywhere. Yellow and brown leaves were burnt.
Grass was cut.
Поставьте эти предложения в будущем времени. Поменяйте наречия, если необходимо.
1) The text will be translated soon.
2) The answer will be given at once.
3) The books will be read.
4) The children will be invited to the party.
5) The box will be weighed.
6) Your plan will be supported.
7) The prescription for the backache will be written out.
8) These endangered animals will be protected.
9) The rubbish will be thrown away.
10) The incident will be forgotten.
11) The invitation will be written.
12) His opinion will be heard.
Соотнесите названия работ no русской литературе с авторами. Когда они были написаны?
“Kashtanka” was written by A.P. Chekhov in 19th century.
“Idiot” was written by F.I. Dostoevsky in 19th century.
“А journey from Petersburg to Moscow” was written by A.N. Radischev in 18th century.
“А crow and a fox” was written by I.A. Krylov in 19th century.
“Svetlana” was written by V.A. Zhykovsky in 18th century.
“Dubrovsky” was written by Pushkin in 19th century.
“War and Peace” is written by L.N. Tolstoy in 19th century.
“Silver Prince” is written by A.K. Tolstoy in 19th century.
“Asya” was written by I.S. Turgenev in 19 century.
“Princess Mary” was written by M.U. Lermontov in 19th century.
“Quit flows and Don” is written by M.A. Sholohov in 20th century.
“Unfortunate Liza” was written by N.M. Karamzin in 18th century.
“Buratino” was written by A.N. Tolstoy in 20th century.
Дополните предложения предлогами.
1) about;
5) to;
6) at;
7) for;
8) to.
2) for;
3) after;
4) for;
Составьте вопросы с этими словами. Задайте вопросы.
1) When was nylon invented? It was invented in the 20th century.
2) When was Kremlin built? It was built in 1482.
3) When were potatoes brought to Europe? Potatoes were brought to Europe in 1551.
4) When was America discovered? America was discovered in 1492.
5) By whom are Harry Potter books written? These books are written by J. Rowling.
6) When was painted “А Girl with Peaches”? It was painted in 1887.
Старшие Роджерсы уехали из дома и сказали детям, что нужно делать. Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, что должно быть сделано.
1) The potatoes must be fried.
2) The plant must be watered.
3) The dress must be washed.
4) The carpet must be cleaned.
5) The shopping must be done.
6) The exercise 7 must be written.
7) The bedroom must be done.
Дополните текст о Дэниэле Редклиффе. Используйте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме.
1) is known;
2) was born;
3) decided;
4) wanted;
5) took;
6) was;
7) played;
8) are;
9) is;
10) doesn’t think;
11) has changed;
12) likes;
13) was asked.
Какие названия нужно использовать без артикля?
1) the;
2) -;
3) the;
4) the;
5) -;
6) the;
7) the;
8) the;
9) -;
10) the;
11) the;
12) the;
13) the;
14) -;
15) the;
16) the;
17) the;
18) the;
19) the;
20) the.
Напишите то же самое на английском.
1 The book was bought last week.
2 The tickets for the concert will be bought tomorrow.
3 Such cars are made in Japan.
4 America was discovered in 1492.
5 St. Petersburgh was founded in 1703.
6 In this city many houses are built of wood.
7 I was informed about important news.
8 English, French and German are taught in our schools.
9 On our street there will be built a new school.
10 The article will be written the next week.
1 This film will be spoken about.
2 Don’t worry, your pets will be lopked after.
3 She was waited for a long time.
4 Aunt Polly was spoken to.
5 They are often laughed at.
6 The director was sent for.
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