Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Unit 4

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Прочитайте названия растений и жи вотных. Знаете ли вы их названия на рус ском? Запишите слова.
1) лягушка;
2) ящерица;
3) динозавр;
4) тупик;
5) стрекоза;
6) еж;
7) кенгуру;
8) койот;
9) буйвол;
10) воробей;
11) сорока;
12) дятел;
13) сова;
14) дуб;
15) вяз;
16) бук;
17) сосна;
18) ель;
19) береза;
20) лилия;
21) трилистник;
22) лук-порей;
23) нарцисс;
24) вечнозеленые растения;
25) водяная лилия;
26) пальма.
Прочитайте текст и дополните его словосочетаниями.
1) d;
2) f;
3) b;
4) h;
5) a;
6) e;
7) i;
8) g;
9) c.
Прочитайте текст и поставьте параграфы в логическом порядке.
1) f;
2) b
3) e
4) d
5) g;
6) a;
7) c.
Прочитайте текст и дополните предложения после него.
1) a;
2) c;
3) a;
4) b;
5) c;
6) c.
Прочитайте тексты о разных животных и соотнесите их с характеристиками. Одну характеристику использовать не нужно.
1) d;
2) c;
3) e;
4) f;
5) a.
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы после него.
1) Too much sun is dangerous because there is too much radiation then.
2) Ozone layer protects the earth from radiation.
3) The ultraviolet radiation increased in Chili because the ozone layer was destroyed and after it many sheep have eye problems.
4) Greenhouse gases are dangerous because they are too much today.
5) Burning of any king is dangerous because it produces CO2 and NO.
6) The most greenhouse gases are produced in the US, then Europe and Russia.
Дополните текст.
1) polluting;
2) governments;
3) danger;
4) polluted;
5) extinct;
6) endangered;
7) unfortunate;
8) save;
9) protect;
10) habitats;
11) responsible;
12) governments;
13) pollution;
14) destroying;
15) habitats;
16) necessary;
17) recycle.
Дополните новые слова.
1) destroy;
2) necessary;
3) survive;
4) healthy;
5) law;
6) dolphin;
7) whale;
8) natural;
10) nowadays;
11) protect;
12) duty;
13) dinosaur;
14) each;
15) among;
16) badge;
17) behaviour;
18) dead;
19) breathe;
20) collect;
21) rubbish;
22) recycle;
23) solve;
24) surround;
25) polluted;
26) influence;
27) endangered;
28) machine;
29) cover;
30) between.
Напишите слова.
1) agree;
2) plant;
3) law;
4) pour;
5) outside;
6) hunt;
7) nature;
8) dump;
9) damage;
10) survive;
11) violet;
12) safe;
13) save;
14) whale;
15) relation;
16) instinct;
17) behaviour;
18) both;
19) government;
20) solve;
21) among;
22) breathe;
23) turn.
Дополните эти предложения. Вставьте предлоги, если необходимо.
1) from;
2) for;
3) -;
4) for;
5) on,to;
6) to;
7) at, in;
8) in;
9) for, of, in;
10) in;
11) -;
12) for, without;
13) between;
14) from;
15) into;
16) on.
Используйте a / an, the или нулевой артикль, чтобы дополнить предложения.
1) a, the;
2) а;
3) zero article, the;
4) a;
5) the;
6) zero article;
7) zero article;
8) zero article;
9) the;
10) zero article.
Посмотрите на картинку и скажите.
a) что они рисуют?
Andy has drawn an elephant.
Peter has drawn a fox.
Linda had drawn a lion.
Alice has drawn a crocodile.
b) что они только что надели?
Bob and Nick have just worn the shoes.
Ann has just worn a coat.
Sam has just worn a shirt.
Tanya has just worn a dress.
c) что они вырастили?
Terry has just grown an oak.
Frank has just grown a bluebell.
Sally and Rick have just grown a thistle.
Mrs. Rodgers has just grown pansies.
d) куда они летят?
Tom has flown to France.
Vera has flown to England.
Kate has flown to the US.
The Reeds have flown to Russia.
Напишите на английском.
1) a dangerous sport;
2) natural environment;
3) to save from danger;
4) to be responsible for buying fruits;
5) to destroy the environment;
6) to be out of law;
7) to hunt animals for skin;
8) both scientists;
9) to influence the life of people;
10) powerful power station.
1) water to drink;
2) air to breathe;
3) book to read;
4) food to cook;
5) magazine to look;
6) poem to learn by heart;
7) birds to feed;
8) work to do;
9) film to watch;
10) exercise to write down.
1) You needn’t buy potatoes. I have already bought them.
2) You needn’t get up early. Alice promised to buy bread and milk.
3) People must not pollute the environment.
4) In the 20th century the population of the planet produces much waste.
5) Factories often pour toxic waste into the rivers and sea.
6) The air is polluted in many cities.
Прочитайте текст и дополните его словами, производными от данных справа слов.
1) southern;
2) container;
3) poisoned;
4) scientists;
5) slowly;
6) forty;
7) clearly;
8) homeless;
9) pollution.
Выберите правильное слово и дополните предложение.
1) both girls;
2) each;
3) all;
4) all;
5) each;
6) both.
1) among;
2) between;
3) among;
4) between;
5) between;
6) among.
1) what;
2) how;
3) how;
4) what;
5) what;
6) how;
7) how;
8) how;
9) how;
10) what
Борис недавно поменял школу. Напишите ему письмо и спросите, нужно ли ему теперь делать эти вещи.
1) Do you have to go to school by bus?
2) Do you have to wear a uniform at school?
3) Do you have to learn two foreign languages?
4) Do you have to spend much time in the school library?
5) Do you have to clean the classrooms after classes?
6) Do you have to do a lot of homework?
Дополните таблицу глаголов.
1 дуть blow blew blown
2 выживать survive survived survived
3 рисовать draw drew drown
4 окружать surrounded surrounded surrounded
5 летать fly flew flown
6 расти grow grew grown
7 носить wear wore worn
8 резать cut cut cut
9 разрушать destroy destroyed destroyed
10 быть соглас ным agree agreed agreed
11 изучать study studied studied
12 лить pour poured poured
Ответьте на вопросы.
1) Yes, I have worn evening clothes. I have worn it at my sister’s wedding. It was an evening black dress.
2) I have drawn people and animals. It was in my childhood. On the picture there was picnic. The picture was very good.
3) Yes, I have flown by plane. I flew to visit my granny to Vladivostok.
4) Yes, I have flown in my sleep. It was not long ago. I flew to the space.
5) Yes, I have grown a lemon. I have grown it at home.
Выразите то же самое на английском.
1) I saw a cornflower among the daizies.
2) Between you and me, I don’t like to take care of animals.
3) A deep river flowed between two valleys.
4) Jenny stood between two cousins.
5) Ann saw a high tower among the trees.
6) There is a beautiful valley among these mountains.
1) What kind people!
2) How kind these people are!
3) What an interesting film!
4) How interesting the film is!
5) What a tasty juice!
6) How tasty the juice is!
7) What a big park!
8) How big the park is!
9) What a fresh air!
10) How fresh the air is!
Представьте, что вы состоите в экологическом клубе. Придумайте несколько правил и запишите их.
We must…
1) We must feed birds in winter.
2) We must talk to scientists about ecology.
3) We must discuss the problems of ecology with government.
4) We must recycle plastic bags.
5) We must keep clean the national parks.
We must not…
1) We must not cut the trees.
2) We must not pollute the streets.
3) We must not hunt the animals.
4) We must not pollute the water.
5) We must not be indifferent to our nature.
Напишите, что Сэлли не нужно делать.
1) Sally doesn’t need to wash the linen. Her elder sister has already done it for her.
2) Sally doesn’t need to iron her trousers. Her father has already done it for her.
3) Sally doesn’t need to buy any potatoes. Kevin has done it for her.
4) Sally doesn’t need to fly to Scotland. Ann has been there and has solved the problems.
5) Sally doesn’t need to draw pictures for Lizzy. Lizzy has drawn pictures herself.
6) Sally doesn’t need to look for her granny’s glasses. Her granny has already found.
7) Sally doesn’t need to cook supper. Her mother has done it for her.
8) Sally doesn’t need to water the vegetables. Her granny has already watered them.
9) Sally doesn’t need to write to Aunt Polly. Her sister has already done it.
10) Sally doesn’t need to give milk to Pussy. Her mother has already done it.
Напишите 6—10 предложений о том, что вы или ваши родственники раньше делали, а теперь нет.
1) Му father used to read newspapers in the morning but now he doesn’t.
2) My mother used to take out our dog in the evening but now she doesn’t.
3) I used to play tennis but now I don’t.
4) My sister used to listen to the loud music but now she doesn’t.
5) My brother used to come home late but now he doesn’t.
6) My granny used to cook for me in the weekends but now I do it for her.
Напишите, сколько времени занимает
у вас дорога к этим местам.
1) It takes me 20 minutes to get to my school.
2) It takes me 10 minutes to get to the nearest shop.
3) It took me half an hour to get to the railway station yesterday.
4) It took us an hour to get to the forest.
5) It took me 20 minutes to get to the river yesterday.
6) It takes 40 minutes to get to the library.
7) It takes one day to get to my granny’s.
8) It takes 20 minutes to get to the nearest cinema.
9) It took an hour to get to the market last week.
10) It takes several hours to get to Moscow or St. Petersburg.
Дополните предложения.
1) The more we learn the more we can do.
2) The more we read the more we know.
3) The more pupils learn by heart the better their memory is.
4) The more information we get about the more we know the subject.
5) The more we know about ecological problems the better we can solve it.
6) The longer we collect coins the more interesting it becomes.
7) The less we destroy our planet the happier we are.
8) The more we think about each other the healthier the people are.
9) The kinder we are to each other the more we love each other.
10) The fewer mistakes you make the higher mark you get.
Дополните недостающие фразы инструкции.
1) d; 2) b; 3) f; 4) c; 5) e; 6) a.
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