Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Рабочая тетрадь 1. Unit 1

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Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа в предложениях после текста.
1) c;
2) b;
3) b;
4) b;
5) a;
6) c;
7) a.
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
1) Yes, Hawaii changed a lot.
2) The text says that “the islands were born on fire” because the islands have formed with volcanoes.
3) There are one hundred thirty two islands.
4) No, one or two of the volcanoes are active.
5) The text doesn’t give the answer.
6) People brought a lot of sea birds, seals and turtles with them.
7) Many birds and animals found their home on Hawaii.
8) It’s a popular holiday place because it’s warm and beautiful.
Составьте слова.
1) already; 2) call; 3) world; 4) sailor; 5) deep; 6) place; 7) chain; 8) valley; 9) another; 10) island; 11) proud; 12) remember; 13) nationality; 14) continent; 15) moon; 16) large; 17) flow; 18) mighty; 19) coast; 20) border; 21) build; 22) state; 23) bring; 24) brought; 25) historic; 26) building; 27) stretch; 28) yet; 29) ever; 30) part.
Напишите слова.
1) valley; 2) large; 3) ever; 4) mighty; 5) remember; 6) built; 7) build; 8) lie; 9) call; 10) island; 11) border; 12) coast; 13) wild; 14) nationality; 15) lay; 16) brought; 17) already; 18) plain; 19) continent; 20) stretch;23) another; 24) other; 21) part; 22) bring;
Используйте артикль the (или не используйте) и запишите слова в правильном месте.
Continents: Africa, Asia, South America, Australia, Europe.
States: Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Texas, California. Countries: Germany, France, Australia, Russia, the USA.
Mountains: the Appalachians, the Rockies.
Rivers: the Mississippi River.
Oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic.
Lakes: Huron, Superior, Ontario.
Cities: Washington, Chicago, Detroit.
Streets: Broadway.
Дополните предложения, где это нужно.
1) on;
2) in;
3) of;
4) for;
5) as;
6) on;
7) at;
8) at;
9) in;
10) in;
11) -;
12) in, with.
Напишите на английском.
1) to fall in love with the queen;
2) to border on Mexico;
3) to flow in the ocean;
4) to remember to buy milk;
5) to be proud of Russia;
6) to flow east;
7) to be situated on the coast;
8) to stretch the north;
9) to stretch far;
10) to bring back.
1) the only child;
2) at the same time;
3) wonderful lily-of-the-valley;
4) a chain of mountains;
5) Wild West;
6) Old World;
7) on the moon;
8) mighty river;
9) deep valley;
10) high building;
11) big island;
12) other valleys.
Выберите правильное слово и дополните предложения.
1) another;
2) others;
3) other;
4) another;
5) others;
6) other;
7) another;
8) other;
9) another;
10) others.
А. Напишите, что они только что сделали.
1) Sarah has just begun learning French.
2) Tom and Ben have just begun playing tennis.
3) Lizzy has just begun reading “The Old Man and the Sea”.
4) Sam has just begun eating his lunch.
5) Mary has just begun playing the piano.
6) Mrs. Townsend has just begun driving her car.
7) The Morgans have just begun speaking Russian
8) The Beckets have just begun building their country house.
В. Напишите, что они уже сделали.
1) Tom has already finished watching television.
2) Sally has already finished speaking on the phone.
3) Mr. and Mrs. Stubbs have already finished eating breakfast.
4) Doctor Gordon has already finished writing notes.
5) Grandma has already finished cooking dinner.
6) Charlie has already finished riding his bike.
7) The Williams have already finished building their garage.
8) Toby has already finished doing his lessons.
Напишите, откуда они только что вернулись.
1) Joe has just come from Houston.
2) Mrs. Hilton and her children have just come from Detroit.
3) George Finn has just come back from Chicago.
4) Sam and Andy have just come back from San Francisco.
5) Jessica has just come back from Washington D. C.
6) Mr. and Mrs. Williams have just come back from New York.
7) Barbara has just come back from Seattle.
Напишите, что они только что сделали.
1) She has just read the book.
2) They have just come back from school.
3) He has just taken shower.
4) They have just swum one hundred metres.
5) She has just given a lesson.
6) She has just closed the window.
7) She has just fallen down.
8) They have just written a test.
Посмотрите на картинки и напишите, что они еще не сделали.
1) She hasn’t washed up.
2) They haven’t watered the flowers.
3) He hasn’t done the room.
4) She hasn’t been to the bank.
5) They haven’t taken the dog out.
Составьте вопросы с данными словами.
1) Have you ever been to Rome?
2) Have you ever seen any foreign film?
3) Have they ever visited Spain?
4) Has Sam ever swum in the sea?
5) Has Mary ever spoken Russian?
6) Has Sarah ever read English books?
Дополните таблицу глаголов.
1 быть, находиться be was, were been
2 писать write wrote written
3 дать give gave given
4 кушать eat ate eaten
5 брать take took taken
6 смотреть see saw seen
7 читать read read read
8 говорить speak spoke spoken
9 стать become became become
10 начинать begin began begun
11 позвонить ring rang rung
12 делать do did done
Используйте has или have, чтобы дополнить предложения.
1) have; 2) have; 3) has; 4) haven’t; 5) have; 6) haven’t; 7) have; 8) hasn’t; 9) have; 10) has; 11) has; 12) has.
Дополните предложения.
1) I have never been there.
2) My daughter has already read “Little Women”
3) The boys have not finished their football match yet.
4) We have never been to that island.
5) Has he ever seen the Capitol?
6) The girls have just returned from school.
7) Little John has already eaten his breakfast.
8) Fred has just fallen off his bike.
Дополните диалоги. Используйте “just + present perfect”.
1) I have just been outside.
2) I have just seen him.
3) has just begun
4) He has come back.
5) Have spoken to her.
6) He has just rung up.
7) I have just watched it.
8) She has just swum 350 metres.
Напишите, сколько раз Ник был в этих местах или делал что-то. Дополните предложения.
1) Yes, I have been to Australia twice.
2) Yes, I have read twice this book.
3) Yes, I have swum in the ocean three times
4) Yes, I have cooked soup many times.
5) Yes, I have eaten mango three times.
6) Yes, I have spoken to the President once.
Дополните и разыграйте диалоги.
1) I have just eaten one.
2) I have already seen it.
3) I have already rung her up.
4) I have already begun cleaning my teeth.
5) But I have just come back from the shop.
6) I have already eaten some.
1) I have been here before.
2) I have swum in it before.
3) I have stayed here before.
4) I have seen it before.
5) I have eaten them before.
6) I have done it before.
Дополните этот текст.
1) is;
2) say;
3) is;
4) has never said;
5) had;
6) asked;
7) was;
8) worked;
9) finds;
10) has just given;
11) is.
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