Афанасьева, Михеева, 6. Workbook. Lesson 4

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Напишите вопросы к этим предложениям, для того чтобы выяснить, где и когда эти вещи будут сделаны.
1) When will bread be bought?
2) When will the carpet be cleaned?
3) When will the work be finished?
4) When will the game be played?
5) When will the table be set?
6) When will the operation be made?
Используйте словарные сочетания, для того чтобы написать, что дети будут делать и что они не будут делать, если они вступят в общество “Спасите животных”.
1) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they will feed birds in winter.
2) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they will clean animals’ habitats.
3) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they will help to keep rivers clean.
4) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they won’t throw (dump) waste into rivers.
5) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they will protect wild animals.
7) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they won’t damage the environment.
8) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they won’t hurt animals.
9) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they will take home stray animals.
10) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they will prepare food for cold seasons.
11) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they will help animals to survive.
12) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they won’t catch insects.
13) If the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they won’t collect birds’ eggs.
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