Афанасьева, Михеева, 6. Book. Lesson 1

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Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, как Джейн, Сэлли, Ник и Майк провели свои каникулы. Выражения в рамках могут помочь вам.
Jane travelled about Russia. She travelled by plane (car, bus). She stood at large hotels. She lived in double rooms. Those rooms had all modern conveniences. The weather was sunny, hot and pleasant during her trip. She swam a lot, but she also enjoyed lying in the sun. Sometimes in the evening she played different games with other children. As we see, Jane enjoyed her holiday.
On summer holidays Sally travelled by ship. She was on board the ship for seven days. She visited Spain, Italy, Greece. She saw a lot of interesting places there. She also met different people. She learned a lot about these countries. Sally visited different museums and galleries. And she was very pleased about the weather.
On summer holidays Nick went to the country. The weather was fine there.
He lived in a small cottage near the farm. His grandparents had a lot of animals in the farm. So Nick was happy to feed the animals. He helped his parents by looking after the animals. He also helped his parents about the house. He worked in the garden. He watered flowers, plants and vegetables. And at the end of the holidays, he got some money for the job.
On the holidays Mike stayed at home. His Granny was sick. So he had to help her about the house. He also had to do the shopping instead of her. Sometimes when his Granny became worse he had to call the doctor. And when his Granny asked him, he went to the drugstore to buy some medicines. After all he had to warm up food. Though Mike was very busy during his holidays, he was free on early mornings. And he also had a lot of free time in the evening. Then Mike read a lot, watched videos. Sometimes he played football or volleyball with his friends. And when there was no one to play with, he played on the computer.
Сейчас вы на уроке, но всего несколько недель назад вы были на каникулах.
Составьте правильные предложения о том, что было и что есть.
1) I go to school six days a week at present but I enjoyed my summer holidays a week ago.
2) I learn English a few times a week at present but I worked in the garden helping my Mother a week ago.
3) I meet my schoolmates every day when I go to school at present but I missed my schoolmates some weeks ago.
4) I have a lot of classes at present but I spent a lot of time on the beach some weeks ago.
5) I get up early in the morning at present but I kept late hours some weeks ago.
6) I work hard at present but I played outdoors with friends some weeks ago.
7) I don’t watch TV every evening at present but I watched lots of TV programmes some weeks ago.
8) It rains a lot at present but it didn’t rain at all some weeks ago.
9) The leaves of the trees are not green and fresh at present but they were green and fresh some weeks ago.
10) I do my lessons at present but I didn’t write any exercises at all some weeks ago.
Во время своих каникул Ольга ездила в Англию. Она провела там неделю и встретила приятную английскую девочку, которую звали Линда. Дополните диалог между девочками, а затем разыграйте его. Не забывайте меняться ролями.
Linda: Yes, it is.
Linda: Yes, I do.
Olga: Yes, I’m from Russia.
Linda: What’s your name? And where do you live in Russia?
Linda: When did you come to London? And what is your business there?
Linda: How long have you been here?
Linda: Maybe I can send you a letter, what’s your address?
Linda: I will write you as soon as I can.
Скажите, что Норман и Джек делали в течение своих летних каникул.
1) Norman used to play the violin in summer.
2) Norman used to listen to folk music in summer.
3) Norman used to watch cartoons in summer.
4) Norman used to visit picture galleries in summer.
5) Norman used to learn poems by heart in summer.
6) Norman used to lie in the sun in summer.
1) Jack used to play the guitar in summer.
2) Jack used to read detective stories in summer.
3) Jack used to listen to rock music in summer.
4) Jack used to play football a lot in summer.
5) Jack used to work on the computer in summer.
6) Jack used to swim in the river in summer.
Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, какая погода была вчера и какая она сегодня. Данный набор слов может помочь вам.
1) Yesterday the weather was warm but wet, cloudy and rainy. And today the weather is hot but foggy and cloudy.
2) Yesterday the weather was cold, cloudy, windy and it was snowing. Today the weather is frosty but sunny and clear.
a) У Саши есть приятель Джон, который живет в Британии. В школе Джона учебный год начинается на неделю позже, чем в Сашиной. Дополните Сашино письмо к Джону.
1) are
2) are fishing
3) are swimming
4) are lying
5) are enjoying
6) was fishing
7) was swimming
8) was lying
9) is
10) am
11) is raining
12) was shining
13) is
14) is blowing
15) are writing
b) Теперь назовите 5 дел, которыми Саша занимался летом и 5занятийДжона. (Упражнение 5 может помочь вам.)
1) Sasha used to swim a lot.
2) Sasha used to fish a lot.
3) Sasha used to lie in the sun a lot.
4) Sasha used to play football a lot.
5) Sasha used to watch cartoons a lot.
1) John used to play on the computer a lot.
2) John used to play the guitar a lot.
3) John used to watch videos a lot.
4) John used to listen to rock music a lot.
5) John used to travel a lot.
Посмотрите на термометры и скажите, какую температуру они показывают.
1) It’s three (degrees) above zero.
2) It’s seven (degrees) below zero.
3) It’s ten (degrees) above zero.
4) It’s fifteen (degrees) below zero.
5) It’s one (degree) above zero.
6) It’s one (degree) below zero.
7) It’s twentyone (degrees) above zero.
8) It’s five (degrees) below zero.
9) It’s twenty (degrees) above zero.
10) It’s twelve (degrees) below zero.
Скажите, какая температура была в разных городах три дня назад.
1) It was five degrees above zero in Rome three days ago.
2) It was one degree above zero in Paris three days ago.
3) It was eighteen degrees below zero in St Petersburg three days ago.
4) It was four degrees above zero in Madrid three days ago.
5) It was fourteen degrees below zero in Moscow three days ago.
6) It was ten degrees below zero in Washington D.C. three days ago.
7) It was eight degrees below zero in Edinburgh three days ago.
8) It was two degrees above zero in London three days ago.
9) It was six degrees above zero in Cardiff three days ago.
a) Прочитайте и угадайте, что означают подчеркнутые слова.
1) Вы можете увидеть радугу в небе, когда дождь и солнце появляются вместе.
2) Вчера был ужасный ливень. Шел сильный дождь и дул сильный ветер.
3) Барометр — это инструмент, который помогает сказать, какая будет погода.
4) Вчера вечером шел сильный дождь.
5) Синоптик собирает информацию о погоде.
Это страница из дневника мистера Грина. Мистер Грин — синоптик и каждый день он делает заметки о погоде. Вчера его настиг ливень и его дневник промок. Не могли бы вы помочь мистеру Грину прочитать эти заметки. Используйте слова из упражнений 12, 13.
1) misty
2) mist
3) calm
4) expect
5) rainstorm
6) barometer
7) changeable
8) look out for
9) shower
10) rainbow
11) daily
12) weathermen
13) forecast
Составьте свои собственные диалоги. Используйте модели из упражнения 16. Используйте следующие слова и словарные сочетания вместо тех, которые выделены жирным шрифтом.
1. A: It’s an awful day today, isn’t it?
B: Yes, it’s cool and wet this morning. It’s bad, there is no sun in the sky.
A: Yes. Much worse than yesterday. They say it is going to get even cooler.
B: Let’s hope it won’t last.
1.1. A: What a hot day, isn’t it? It has been hot since yesterday morning.
B: They say it is going to get even hotter.
A: Oh, no! I hate when the weather is too hot.
B: So do I. Let’s hope it won’t last.
2. A: It’s a fine day today, isn’t it?
B: Yes, it’s warm and sunny this morning.
A: Yes. Much better than yesterday. It’s good to see the sun again.
B: Let’s hope it will keep fine for the weekend.
2.1. A: What a cold day, isn’t it? It has been snowing since yesterday morning.
B: They say it is going to get even colder.
A: Oh, no! I hate cold and snow.
B: So do I. Let’s hope it won’t last.
3. A: It’s a pleasant day today, isn’t it?
B: Yes, it’s bright and frosty this morning.
A: Yes, much better than yesterday. It’s good to see the sun again.
В: Let’s hope it will keep fine for the weekend.
3.1. A: What a sunny day, isn’t it? It has been shining since yesterday morning.
В: They say it is going to get even warmer.
A: That’s fine. I like warmth and sun.
В: Let’s hope it will keep fine longer.
4. A: It’s a nasty day today, isn’t it?
В: Yes, it’s hot and stuffy this morning.
A: Yes. Much worse than yesterday. It’s bad when the weather is too hot.
В: Let’s hope it won’t last.
4.1. A: What a rainy day isn’t it? It has been raining since yesterday morning.
В: They say that the hail may start soon.
A: Oh, no! I hate rain and especially the hail.
В: So do I. Let’s hope it won’t last.
5. A: It’s a nasty day today, isn’t it?
В: Yes, it’s wet and foggy this morning.
A: Yes. Much worse than yesterday. It’s bad that the weather was spoiled.
В: Let’s hope it won’t last.
5.1. A: What a windy day, is it? It has been blowing since yesterday morning.
В: They say that the wind is going to be even stronger.
A: Oh, no! I hate wind.
В: So do I. Let’s hope it won’t last.
6. A: It’s an awful day today, isn’t it?
В: Yes, it’s cool and windy this morning.
A: Yes. Much worse than yesterday. It’s bad that the sun don’t shine today.
В: Let’s hope it won’t last.
6.1. A: What a foggy day, isn’t it? It has been raining since yesterday morning.
В: They say that the weather will not change soon.
A: Oh, no! I hate fog and rain.
В: So do I. Let’s hope it won’t last.
7. A: What a wet day isn’t it? It has been raining since yesterday morning.
B: They say that the weather will not change soon.
A: Oh, no! I hate wet and rain.
B: So do I. Let’s hope it won’t last.
Прогноз погоды
Мы промокаем, когда мы попадаем под ливень без плаща. Иногда мы надеваем свитер и обнаруживаем, что погода жаркая. Мы не всегда знаем, какую погоду ожидать. Положение более серьёзно, когда фермеры теряют свой урожай из-за дождя, или моряк попадает в неприятность, когда поднимается ветер. На телевидении и радио существуют ежедневные прогнозы погоды. Иногда прогноз недостаточно точен, так как погода не такая уж легкая вещь, чтобы ее угадать. Весь день и ночь, синоптики собирают информацию с кораблей, самолетов и космических станций. С помощью этой информации они могут понять, какая будет погода в течении следующих пяти дней. Хотя два дня не будут иметь совершенно одинаковую погоду, некоторые типы погоды люди могут предсказать.
Когда барометр показывает высокое давление, погода будет спокойной. Зимой она будет холодной и морозной. Летом это обычно означает туманные утра и жаркие солнечные дни. Когда барометр показывает низкое давление, жди дождя и сильных ветров.
Как результат работы синоптиков, мы узнаём о погоде. Вот один из телевизионных прогнозов сделанных БиБиСи.
“Добрый вечер, вот прогноз погоды на завтра.
В Шотландии будет холодно со снегом в горах. На севере Англии будет влажный день с сильными ливнями, которые будут двигаться к Северному Уэлсу в течение второй половины дня. Центральные участки будут сухими, но облачными. На юге Англии день будет светлым и ясным с большим количеством солнечного света, но к вечеру, возможно, станет ветрено”.
Скажите: верно, неверно или не знаю.
1) False
2) True
3) False
4) True
5) True
Вам известно, что погода в Британии очень переменчива. Опишите погоду в Лондоне на каждый день прошлой недели.
1) It was snowy on Sunday.
2) It was rainy on Monday.
3) It was foggy on Tuesday.
4) It was cloudy on Wednesday.
5) It was cold on Thursday.
6) It was hot on Friday.
7) It was windy on Saturday.
Вы прослушали прогноз погоды для различных мест в России. Напишите, что вы услышали. Используйте слова в рамке.
1) In Moscow the day will be cold with heavy showers.
2) In St. Petersburg the day will be cool with rainstorms.
3) In Astrakhan the day will be warm and foggy.
4) In Tula the day will be windy with a lot of snow.
5) In Novgorod the day will be cloudy and wet.
6) In Lipetsk the day will be dry with a lot of sunshine.
7) In Kursk the day will be windy and frosty.
8) In Saratov the day will be misty and wet.
9) In Murmansk the day will be clear and hot.
10) In Novosibirsk the day will be wet with a thick fog.
Выразите то же самое на английском.
1. It’s sunny. It doesn’t rain.
2. It’s cold. It’s snowing.
3. It’s cloudy. The cold wind is blowing.
4. It’s frosty, but the sun is shining.
5. It’s raining. It’s foggy. It’s damp.
6. Is it snowing? – No, it’s clear outside.
1. It was warm yesterday though it was raining.
2. It was windy but clear last Friday. The sun was shining.
3. The cold wind was blowing yesterday evening and it was cold.
4. There was no sun yesterday morning.
5. There was a haze three days ago but it was warm.
6. It was snowing last week. It was freezing.
Autumn has begun. The days became shorter. There are many cloudy, rainy days with rainstorms. But quite recently it was warm and dry, the sun was shining and the days were clear. Last Sunday I was walking in the forest and was listening to the bird piping. And now I’m sitting at the desk and doing the lessons. But I like autumn and I like school. This year I will study the English language again.
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