Афанасьева, Михеева, 5. Учебник. Step 47

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Выпиши из текста “The Longs”(задание 7) предложения с глаголом “быть” во множественном числе (are).
Their names are Tom, jack, Timmy, Andy, Sam, Sue, Polly, Cely and Kathie. Tom and Polly are good students. Jack and Kathie are pupils. They and their dad are in London.
Timmy, Andy, Sam, Sue and Bess are not students. They are not pupils. They are little. Sam and Sue are four. They are twins. They are not in London. They are on the farm.
Напиши буквами слова, записанные в транскрипции.
Ship, bench, yes, that;
Jim, name, play, grey;
narrow, their, sick, cold;
happy, student, London.
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