Афанасьева, Михеева, 5. Раздел 6. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Упражнения. Steps 31-36

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Посмотри на картинки, прочитай тексты и заполни пропуски нужными местоимениями.
a) This is Emma Brown. She is from Leeds. She is nineteen. She has a dog, Bingo. It is strong and very good. Bingo is white and black.
b) And this is Robin Scott. He is from London. He is twenty. He has a car and two bikes. His car is old. His bikes are not old. They are very good. One is black and one is dark blue.
c) These are Ann and Jane Ross. They are sixteen. They are from Glasgow. Their mum and dad have two girls and one boy. His name is Ted. He is very little. He is two.
Прочитай фразы на этих картинках и подбери к ним недостающие реплики.
1 с
2 а
3 b
4 d
Прочитай тексты, употребляя нужную форму глагола have. Ненужную форму вычеркни.
1 My granny has a big room. The room has two windows. Under the windows my granny has roses.
2 Mark and Pete like bikes. They have four bikes: Mark has two bikes and Pete has two bikes. They ride their bikes in the morning.
3 I have a pet. It’s a black-and-white cat. His name is Max. Max has milk in the morning and in the evening. My grandad has a pet too. His pet is a big brown dog.
Подписи под этими картинками перепутаны. Подбери правильную подпись для каждой картинки.
a high window
a purple ink
a big crane
stand up
pink ink
sit down
a low window
a little sparrow
Соедини эти английские и русские обозначения времени.
1 h
2 е
3 g
4 b
5 а
6 d
7 f
8 с
Напиши эти предложения, используя правильную форму глагола be (am, is, are).
1 This is a farm. The trees are high and old. The roof is low and the windows are low too.
2 My pets are a dog and a cat. The dog is big and strong and the cat is little. The cat is red and white.
3 These are cars and a bus. They are in the street. The cars are black, white and dark blue. The bus is old and yellow.
Напиши эти предложения, используя правильную форму глагола have (have/has).
1 This man has five cows and a horse. He has a little farm at the lake.
2 We have three rooms, they have four rooms. And Mrs Griffin has two big rooms.
3 These two boys are from Moscow. They have pets. Nick has a cat and Pete has two little birds. The birds are red and they have dark blue wings.
Закончи текст. Напиши полностью слова, обозначающие время суток.
1 Linda and Sally Smith are two little girls. They sleep at night and they sleep in the afternoon too.
2 — Where are you in the morning, Dan? — I run in the park.
3 — See you in the evening, Joe. — Bye, granny!
4 At night the stars are in the sky. And in the morning, afternoon or evening we see the sun.
5 Pete and I ride our bikes in the afternoon in the park and at the lake.
Перепиши предложения, вставляя недостающие притяжательные местоимения.
1 I like my little town.
2 Dave and Ada like their street: it is big and green.
3 The boys fly their kite in the afternoons.
4 Pete and I kiss our mum goodnight in the afternoon.
5 Mr and Mrs Dobbin feed their cows in the morning and in the afternoon and Lizzy has her milk in the evening.
Расставь слова так, чтобы получились вопросительные предложения.
1 How old are you?
2 Where are your boots?
3 What is his name?
4 How old is your dad?
5 What colour is her bag?
6 What time is it now?
Напиши, что видит малыш вблизи и вдали.
Вблизи: this doll, these birds, these books, these sweets, these boots, this window.
Вдали: that kite, those shops, those bikes, those benches, that car, those trees, that plane.
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