Афанасьева, Михеева, 5. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Контрольные задания раздела 5

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Закончи эти предложения с помощью притяжательных местоимений.
1 Mr. and Mrs Finn are in the park. Their dog is in the park too.
2 This is Jane And this is her pet Pussy.
3 We are in Rome. Our dad is in Rome too.
4 Bob and Fred are in Florida. Their granny is in Florida too.
5 — I’m Nick. What’s your name? — My name is James.
6 Where are Justin and his grandad?
7 I like my granny.
Посмотри на рисунки и сделай подписи к каждому из них, отвечая на вопрос “What’s the time?”.
1 It’s ten o’clock.
2 It’s eight o’clock.
3 It’s six o’clock.
4 It’s four o’clock.
5 It’s eleven o’clock.
6 It’s three o’clock.
Закончи эти предложения, вставив в них слова вместо картинок.
1 The horse is under the tree.
2 I see an old purse.
3 My mum is a nurse.
4 We like tulips.
5 They see eight pots.
6 The birds are in the tree, the girls are under the tree.
Составь вопросы, соединяя начало вопроса из первой колонки и его окончание из второй.
1 What time is it?
2 Where is Kathie?
3 Where are the nurses?
4 What is her name?
Заполни таблииу.
This is a green frog. – These are green frogs.
That is an old purse. – Those are old purses.
This is a big farm. – These are big farms.
That is a good pot. – Those are good pots.
That is a big birch. – Those are big birches.
This is a black bird. – These are black birds.
This is a girl. – These are girls.
That is a boy. – Those are boys.
Закончи текст, вставив нужные формы глагола be (am, is, are).
It is three o’clock in the afternoon. I am in the park. I see two planes. They are in the sky. I like those planes.
My mum and dad are not in the park. My mum is in the shop and my dad is on the farm. My pets are on the farm too.
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