Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 2. Unit 8. Шаг 5, страница 72

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Послушай и расскажи о людях в гостинице.
This is Sam White. He is from London. His room is number five, floor two.
This is Emma Heskin. She is from Leeds. Her room is number sixteen, floor three.
This is Peter Adams. He is from Glasgow. His room is number nineteen, floor three.
Вспомни пропущенные буквы.
A, В, С, D, Е, F, G, Н, I, J, К , L, М, N, О, Р, Q, R, S, T,U, V, W,X, Y,Z.
А. Послушай и повтори.
B. Скажи, из каких стран эти люди.
Rick is from India. Mario is from Italy. Tom is from the USA. Sofia is from Britain. Pedro is from Spain. Natasha is from Russia. Nicole is from France.
Назови no буквам.
Названия городов и стран:
Названия городов:
Moscow [em, ou,es, si:, ou, dablju:];
Leeds [el, dabl i:, di:, es];
London [el, ou, en, di:,ou,en];
Boston [bi:, ou, es, ti:, ou, en];
New York [en, i:, dablju:, wai, ou, a:, kei];
Glasgow [dzi:, el, ei, es, d3i:, ou, dablju];
Russia [a:, ju:, dabl es, ai, ei];
Britain [bi:, a:, ai, ti:, ei, ai, en];
Spain [es, pi:, ei, ai, en];
Italy [ai, ti:, ei,el, wai];
France [ef, a:, ei, en, si:, i:].
Имена и фамилии:
David Ross [di:, ei, vi:, ai, di:, a:, ou, dabl es];
Sofia Richardson [es, ou, ef, ai, ei, a:, ai, si:, eit, ei, a:, di:, es, ou, en];
Natasha Borisova [en, ei, ti:, ei, es, etJ, ei, bi:, ou, a:, ai, es, ou, vi:, ei];
Kim Winster [kei, ai, em, dablju:, ai, en, es, ti:, i:, a:];
Linda Belli [el, ai, en, di:, ei, bi:, i:,dabl el];
James Dubbs [dzei, ei, em, i:, es, di:, ju:, dabl bi:, es];
Justin Parker [d3ei, ju:, es, ti:, ai, en, pi:, ei, a:, kei, i:, a:].
Посмотри и расскажи о вкусах людей и о себе.
Sally and Fred don’t like sad songs. Linda loves sad songs. Bob hates sad songs. I don’t like sad songs.
Sally and Fred like football. Linda hates football. Bob loves football. I like football.
Sally and Fred like hot milk. Linda likes hot milk. Bob hates hot milk. I don’t like hot milk.
Sally and Fred don’t like autumn. Linda loves autumn. Bob doesn’t like autumn. I like autumn.
Sally and Fred love winter. Linda doesn’t like winter. Bob likes winter. I like winter.
Sally and Fred hate old films. Linda likes old films. Bob doesn’t like old films. I like old films.
Sally and Fred like computer games. Linda hates computer games. Bob loves computer games. I like computer games.
Sally and Fred don’t like ice cream. Linda loves ice cream. Bob doesn’t like ice cream. I love ice cream.
Прочищай и составь похожий рассказ о себе.
My name is Nick. I’m nine. I live in Moscow and go to school. I have a lot of friends — boys and girls. We like to play together. I speak Russian and a bit English. I love my parents and my little brother Boris. His birthday is in spring, in April. Boris loves spring very much. In spring he skates his bike, plays football and tennis with his friends. Boris is a good sportsman. Our father and we like to play football on Sundays.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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