Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Рабочая тетрадь, Unit 4. Шаг 6

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Послушай и отметь неверные утверждения.
(3, 4).
Составь числительные и напиши.
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.
Сделай надписи.
Wall, skate, write, ball, ski, drive, hall, candle, count.
Закончи описания с данными словами.
This is Harry, the troll. He is not big, he is small, but he is strong. Harry is in his bedroom. He has a low bed in his room. You can see a small red ball under the desk. He has a coat a on the wall. The coat is very short. Harry has a long shelf on the wall. You can see books on his shelf. Harry likes his bedroom. It is very clean, it is not dirty.
Впиши буквы и напиши слова:
Ill, ball, wall, well, doll, small.
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