Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Рабочая тетрадь, Unit 3. Шаг 1

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Послушай и отметь словосочетания.
1) а;
2) а;
3) b;
4) b;
5) а.
Напиши вопросы и ответы.
1) Where are the birds? They are in the sky.
2) Where is the tree? It is by the house.
3) Where is the cat? It is on the roof.
4) Where are the flowers? They are on the window.
5) Where is the rainbow? It is in the sky.
Закончи рифмовку.
The car is yellow,
This bench is low,
That street is narrow,
That van is slow.
Что за подарок.
A cat, an ant, a kite, an egg.
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