Афанасьева, 6. Unit 5. Step 3

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В некоторых школах есть правила поведения для учеников. Составь несколько правил для одной из таких школ. Словосочетания в рамке помогут тебе.
Come to school on time.
Don’t write on your desks.
Don’t play on the computer.
Don’t run in the classroom.
Read a lot of books.
Don’t put your bags on the floor.
Don’t play with a ball in the classroom.
Don’t sleep in class.
А. Скажи, что говорит по-английски учитель, ест он хочет, чтобы ученики:
1. открыли книги;
— Open your books!
2. закрыли окно;
— Close the window!
3. сказали по буквам слово реп;
— Spell “pen”!
4. взяли свои сумки;
— Take your bags!
5. положили ручки на стол;
— Put your pens on the table!
6. сказали “До свидания”;
— Say “Goodbye”!
7. сосчитали книги на столе;
— Count the books on the table!
8. вошли в класс;
— Come in!
9. пошли домой.
— Go home!
В. Скажи, что говорят по-английски ученики, если они хотят сказать:
1. “Я не знаю”.
— I don’t know.
2. “Я не понимаю”.
— I don’t understand.
3. “Я знаю”.
— I know.
4. “Я понимаю”.
— I understand.
5. “Дайте мне книгу, пожалуйста”.
— Give me the book, please.
6. “Возьмите мою ручку, пожалуйста”.
— Take my pen, please.
7. “Помогите мне, пожалуйста”.
— Help me please.
А. Скажи то же самое иначе.
1. Put the pen in the bag, please. Can you put the pen in the bag?
2. Play the piano, please. Can you play the piano?
3. Feed the cat, please. Can you feed the cat?
4. Give me an apple, please. Can you give me an apple?
5. Put the cups in the cupboard, please. Can you put the cups in the cupboard?
6. Cook the lunch, please. Can you cook the lunch?
7. Take Rex out, please. Can you take Rex out?
8. Read the text, please. Can you read the text?
9. Come on time, please. Can you come on time?
10. Write “one” on the blackboard. Can you write “one” on the blackboard?
11. Open the door, please? Can you open the door?
Закончи этот текст, выбрав правильную форму глагола, и прочитай его вслух.
Look at the picture. This is me, Jeff Colins. I am a doctor. This is my room. I am at my desk. Jane and Jill are my nurses. They are in my room near the cupboard. The desk is near the wall next to the door. We are always on time. Now it is 12 o’clock and we are ready to have lunch.
Посмотри на рисунки и скажи, что делают в данный момент эти люди и животные.
What are they doing?
1. He is running.
2. She is reading.
3. They are riding a horse.
4. It is sleeping.
5. It is watching television.
6. He is jumping.
7. She is swimming.
8. She is driving a car.
Перепиши предложения из задания 8 в тетрадь в таком порядке: 1) все предложения, которые соответствуют первой формуле; 2) все предложения, которые соответствуют второй формуле.
1) Nick gets up at 7.
The shops close at five.
He goes to the bank on Friday.
The children play football here.
2) Mary and Ann are swimming now.
The boy is opening the door.
Ted is feeding his pets.
I am going to the park.
Перепиши предложения, выбрав правильную форму глагола be.
1. Jane is putting a book in the bag.
2. Bob is writing “five” on the blackboard.
3. We are sitting on the bench.
4. My parents are watching television now.
5. I am swimming.
6. My friend is taking his dog out.
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