Афанасьева, 6. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Test 6

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Посмотри на рисунки и отметь, какое из трех предложений подходит к каждому их них в качестве подписи.
1. Bill is eating cheese.
2. Emma is drinking juice.
3. Betsy is cleaning her kitchen.
4. Fred is looking at the chocolate.
5. Colin is working in the wood.
6. Frank is enjoying his tea.
7. Mr Hog is walking near the flower shop.
Прочитай текст и напиши, кто в семье Баркеров не ест кашу на завтрак.
Mrs Barker and Smokey do not have porridge for breakfast.
Перепиши предложения, употребив правильную форму глаголов.
1. Jim always has cornflakes for breakfast, but now he is having porridge.
2. Dick never eats bananas for dinner, but now he is eating a banana.
3. Sometimes we eat vegetables for lunch but today we are eating pizza.
4. Little John never drinks coffee for breakfast. Today he is drinking milk.
5. Nina is having a birthday party now. She and her friends are having a good time. They are enjoying Nina’s party.
Замени подчеркнутые слова и словосочетания нужными местоимениями.
1. This is Alice’s brother. I often see him.
2. Mike and Polly are seven. Do you like them? Do you like their pets?
3. We, John and Mary, understand you. But do you understand us?
4. Give Kate some salad. She is hungry. Give her some juice too.
5. Polly, dear, smile, please. Look at me, dear.
Напиши буквами слова, изображенные транскрипционными значками.
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