ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Ваулина - Spotlight - УчебникModule 1 – 1e – 4
Read the theory box. Find examples in the message in Ex. 3.
short opening and closing remarks (Hi Sue, See you, Tom)
abbreviations (I'm)
colloquial phrasal verbs, idioms and everyday language (What's up)
the imperative (Do come)
informal linkers (and, so NOT:)
Текст из упражнения 3
Dear Helen,
How are you? I just heard about your car accident. I hope it wasn't too serious. I'm sure you'll be back on your feet in no time!
Hugs and kisses, Janet
We can see the short opening and closing phrases: Dear Helen, Hugs and kisses
We can see abbreviations with apostrophes: wasn't, I'm, you'll
There are idiom and everyday language: you'll be back on your feet in no time.
There are no imperative verbs and informal linkers in that text.
Also, there is a grammar mistake, as usual for colloquial and everyday language: I just heard about your car accident - she should use Present Perfect instead of Past simple.
ГДЗ - "Spotlight - Учебник"
по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.
Год издания
Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.
Read the theory box. Find examples in the message in Ex. 3. Прочитайте теорию в рамке. Найдите примеры в сообщении в упражнении 3. Informal style Неформальный стиль Informal language is characterised by the use of: Неформальная лексика характеризуется использованием: