ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Ваулина - Spotlight - УчебникModule 5 – 5d – 4
Complete the gaps with words from the list. Listen and check. Are there similar sayings in your country?
clouds • fine • storm • cold • blows • frost • snows • showers • mild
Onion skin is very thin, mild winter is coming in.
Onion skin is thick and tough, winter will be cold and rough.
Pale moon rains, red moon blows. White moon neither rains nor snows.
Evening red and morning grey, two sure signs of a fine day.
Clear moon frost soon.
When seagulls fly to land, a storm is at hand.
When clouds appear like rocks and towers, the Earth's refreshed by frequent showers.
ГДЗ - "Spotlight - Учебник"
по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.
Год издания
Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.
Complete the gaps with words from the list. Listen and check. Are there similar sayings in your country? Заполните пробелы словами из списка. Послушайте и проверьте. Есть похожие поговорки в вашей стране?