ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Ваулина - Spotlight - УчебникModule 7 – 7a – 2
Read the title and the first sentence in each paragraph. What could the text be about? Listen, read and check.
I think this text is about the importance of using gadgets by young generation and their dependence on them.
It's 7:30 pm at Lisa's house and she's in her room doing her homework. However, homework is just one of the things she's doing while her eyes are fixed on the computer screen. As well as studying for her Biology exam, Lisa is also listening to music, chatting with her best friend online, downloading songs and occasionally texting people on her mobile phone. "My parents keep telling me off for multi-tasking while studying, but they don't understand that it helps me concentrate," she says.
Young people today spend a lot of time using electronic media; on average, 7 hours and 38 minutes every day. That adds up 53 hours a week, more time than most adults spend at work. But that's not all. Because young people spend so much time "media multi-tasking", that is using more than one type of media at the same time, they actually consume a total of 10 hours and 45 minutes of media content every day. This is the reason why they are called "the multi-tasking generation", or "Generation M". But how do their brains deal with multitasking? Automatic things like walking and chatting on the phone can be done at the same time, but when it comes to learning new information, multi-tasking has an impact.
"Multi-tasking affects how you learn in a negative way," says Russell Poldrack, Associate Professor of Psychology at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). Dividing your attention between too many activities makes the knowledge you gain harder to use later on. This doesn't mean we should never multi-task, but it does mean it is not a good idea to do it while learning something new.
Примечание: Текст сильно изменен по сравнению с учебниками, выпущенными до 2019 года. Основные изменения во втором абзаце, который следует перевести так:
Нет ничего необычного для повседневной жизни в том, чтобы делать несколько дел одновременно, но в нашем быстро развивающемся технологическом обществе такая ситуация стала уже критичной. Молодые люди сегодня проводят почти шесть с половиной часов в день, используя различные типы устройств, занимаясь различными делами одновременно. Вот почему их называют многозадачным поколением или Поколением М. Но как их мозг справляется с такой многозадачностью? Действия типа ходьбы и разговора по телефону могут совершаться на автомате, но когда речь идет об изучении новой информации, многозадачность оказывает плохое влияние.
ГДЗ - "Spotlight - Учебник"
по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.
Год издания
Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.
Read the title and the first sentence in each paragraph. What could the text be about? Listen, read and check. Прочитайте заголовок и первые предложения из каждого абзаца. О чем может быть этот текст?