ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова - Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1Unit 1 – Step 2 – 5
What do these words mean? Give the Russian for the sentences which follow.
a race - to race
a taste - to taste
to climb - a climb
to score - a score
excited - to excite - excitement
I can race you to that oak tree.
Taste the soup to see if there is enough salt in it.
Their climb of the hill took an hour.
The final score was 5 to 4.
The team’s great play excited the fans.
We could hardly sleep because of our excitement about starting the trip tomorrow.
ГДЗ - "Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1"
по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.
Год издания
Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.
What do these words mean? Give the Russian for the sentences which follow. Что означают эти слова? Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.