ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова - Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1Unit 2 – Step 5 – 4b

Listen and repeat. Послушайте и повторите.

blood: in blood, to give blood. Have you ever given blood to help sick people? The soldier’s leg was in blood. Blood is thicker than water.

кровь: в крови, сдавать кровь. Вы когда-нибудь сдавали

cruel: a cruel character, cruel words, to be cruel to somebody. It’s a cruel world. She had a cruel look in her eyes.

жестокий: жестокий характер, жестокие слова, быть

devote: to devote one’s time to something or somebody, to devote one’s life to something, to devote oneself to something. Andrew devoted most of his time to painting. Mother Teresa devoted her life to the poor and the sick. I’m not ready to devote myself fully to my career.

посвятить: посвятить свое время чему-то или кому-то,

devoted: A devoted friend. He’s always been devoted to his work.

преданный: преданный друг. Он всегда был предан своему

expensive: an expensive car, expensive tastes. Does he always wear fashionable and expensive clothes? The seats in the stalls are fairly expensive.

дорогой: дорогая машина, дорогие вкусы. Всегда ли он

produce: to produce goods, to produce an effect, to produce results. They produce the best wine in France. She can produce a tasty meal from nothing.

производить: производить товары, производить эффект,

receive: 1) to receive a letter, to receive a prize, to receive a medal. She received a camera as a birthday gift. 2) to receive visitors, to receive patients. What time can we receive our quests?

получить: 1) получить письмо, получить приз, получить

scenery (always takes the verb in the singular, no indefinite article!): The scenery was fantastic. There was practically no scenery on the stage.

декорации, пейзаж: Пейзаж был фантастическим. На сцене

thrill: to thrill the audience, to thrill the children, thrilled, to be thrilled by the idea (by the information). We were thrilled to hear about your new job.

волновать, возбуждать: волновать публику, волновать

ГДЗ - "Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1"

по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.


Listen and repeat. Послушайте и повторите.