Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 1 – Рабочая тетрадь – Раздел 3 – Упражнение 5

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Прочтите тексты А и С из упр. 78 учебника. Напишите, одобряете ли вы поведение Салли и Даниэля или нет. Используйте
предложения из рамки.

I think Sally did wrong when she said unpleasant things to her roommate, because all people are absolutely different and it means that they have different ideas, interests and values. Sally and her roommate just had different interests, but still it doesn’t mean that Sally should have said those unpleasant things to her roommate. I think that Sally could explain to that girl that she wasn’t interested in boys and clothes too much in a more delicate way. She shouldn’t be so straight because this may hurt other people’s feelings.
Daniel is an awful roommate, because he thinks only of himself and he doesn’t care what other people think of him at all. He thinks that it is absolutely normal when clothes are lying on the sofa or even under it. I think that when a person shares a room or a flat with somebody, it means that he should always remember about the person whom he lives with, but not just do everything he wants.

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