Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 1 – Раздел 3 – Упражнение 73

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Работайте в парах. Вы разговариваете по телефону. Связь не очень хорошая, вы слышите не все и просите повторить некоторые сведения. Дополните диалог вопросами к словам, выделенным жирным шрифтом (это слова, которые вы не расслышали). Разыграйте диалог.

You: Hello!
Harry: Hello, Harry speaking.
You: Hi… Who is speaking? I didn’t catch the name.
Harry: This is Harry, remember? We met in Liverpool.
You: Pardon? Where did we meet?
Harry: In L-i-v-e-r-p-o-o-l. We went to the rock concert together.
You: Where did we go to? I’m sorry, it’s not a very good line.
Harry. To the rock concert. You were wearing while jeans and a T-shirt.
You: What colour jeans was I wearing?
Harry: White. You looked gorgeous in them, especially when you were climbing up on the stage. You wanted to borrow the microphone.
You: Who was climbing up on the stage? What did I want to borrow? Look here! I’ve never been to Liverpool. I’m not keen on rock music at all. And I don’t wear white jeans.
Harry. Then, why have you been wasting my time then asking all these silly questions? So could we still meet tonight anyway?

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