Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Учебник. Unit 4. Step 3

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Джон Трент проснулся поздно и не сделал много вещей, которые он обычно делает по утрам. Скажите, что он не сделал.
1) John left home without making his bed.
2) He left home without taking a shower.
3) He left home without taking his dog out.
4) John left home without having breakfast.
5) He left home without drinking his usual cup of tea.
6) He left home without helping his mother to wash the plates.
7) He left home without taking lunch with him.
8) He left home without saying goodbye to his granny.
9) He left home without kissing his mother goodbye.
Соотнесите две колонки.
2) g;
3) b;
4) a;
5) h;
6) c;
7) f;
8) e.
Мистер Уилсон очень старый. Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, что он обычно делал, когда был маленький.
1) When Mr. Wilson was a small boy he used to make sand castles.
2) When Mr. Wilson was a small boy he used to ride a bicycle.
3) When Mr. Wilson was a small boy he used to go fishing.
4) When Mr. Wilson was a small boy he used to skate.
5) When Mr. Wilson was a small boy he used to drink milk.
6) When Mr. Wilson was a small boy he used to play with his dog.
7) When Mr. Wilson was a small boy he used to go to the cinema.
Скажите, что ваши родственники или друзья раньше делали, а теперь нет.
1) Му brother used to take long walks, but now he doesn’t any longer.
2) My granny used to live in the country but now she doesn’t any longer.
3) My friends used to go to the cinema but now they don’t any longer.
4) My sister used to watch television a lot but now she doesn’t any longer.
5) My mom used to work in the garden but she doesn’t any longer.
6) Tom used to collect pictures but now he doesn’t any longer.
7) My friend used to write poems but now he doesn’t any longer.
8) My dad used to work on the computer but now he doesn’t any longer.
9) My cousin used to read at nights but she doesn’t any longer.
10) Mary used to dance but now she doesn’t any longer.
11) My grandpa used to drive a car but now he doesn’t any longer.
Скажите, как все происходило раньше
и как происходит сейчас.
1) Some time ago people used to travel on horseback but now people travel by car, train and bus.
2) Some time ago people used to wash things by hand but now they wash thing in a washing machine.
3) Some time ago people used to write letters but now they can send e-mails.
4) Some time ago people used to write books by hand but now they print books.
5) Some time ago people used to read more books but now they watch television.
6) Some time ago people used to have big families with a lot of children but now they have smaller families.
7) Some time ago people used to die earlier but now they live longer lives.
8) Some time ago people used to walk up stairs and downstairs but now they use lifts.
9) Some time ago people used to know not so much about our planet but now they know a lot about it.
10) Some time ago people used to dream about flying to the stars but now people do it.
Используйте слово take в правильной форме.
1) took, takes;
2) takes;
3) will take;
4) took;
6) takes;
5) will it take;
7) took;
8) takes;
9) has taken;
10) has it taken.
Вставьте пропущенные слова, где необходимо.
1) in;
2) -;
3) of;
4) of, in, in;
5) among;
6) to;
7) into;
8) on, without;
9) in;
10) -.
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