Юхнель, 7. Unit 2. Lesson 4

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At the beginning of the talk Liz feels interested.
At the end of the talk Liz feels proud.
b) Прослушайте запись еще раз и проследите по книге. Почему Лиз так себя чувствует?
Liz feels like this because she found a pretty dress for Rosie.
c) Как вы думаете, как долго Рози примеряла наряды?
Rosie has been trying on clothes for many hours, I think.
a) Посмотрите на подчеркнутые части предложений в упр. 2b. Напишите предложения в две колонки.
FINISHED ACTION: I haven’t decided; I have found
UNFINISHED ACTION: I’ve been trying on; You’ve been doing; I’ve been waiting
b) Посмотрите на табличку и заполните пробелы в предложениях с помощью Present Perfect или Presenf Perfect Continuous.
1. Presenf Perfect
2. Presenf Perfect Continuous
Рози звонит своим друзьям. Они очень заняты. Напишите предложения, в которых говорится о том, что они делают. Используйте Present Perfect Continuous с for или since.
John has been selling lemonade since 8 o’clock.
Bridget has been knitting for a week.
Barbara and Mary have been fishing since 8 a.m.
Simon has been trying on for 20 minutes.
Christal has been sitting by campfire since yesterday.
Chris and Ben have been packing a suitcase since Monday.
Valery has been ironing for half an hour.
a) Работа в парах. Прочитайте диалог в упр. 2b еще раз. Составьте похожий диалог. Используйте карточки, которые раздал вам учитель.
Barbara: Linda! What are you doing there? I’ve been waiting for you for hours. Linda: I’m sorry, Barbara. I’ve been trying on these clothes. And I haven’t decided yet.
Barbara: You’ve been doing it for ages. Come on! Decide!
Linda: Well, I’m not sure. I have already found jeans and I need a top. But I’m not sure about the colour.
Barbara: What about this striped one?
Linda: I don’t think that red colour suits me.
Barbara: No. Not at all. Try it on! It looks lovely. You look so pretty!
Linda: All right, then. I’ll take the top too.
Barbara: Brilliant! Let’s go to the shoe department.
b) Разыграйте свой диалог перед классом.
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