Клементьева, 7-9. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Раздел 5. Урок 11

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Стр. 36. Переведите на английский.
1) Whom was the first computer invented by?
2) Had the window been opened, before he came into the room?
3) Will everything have been in snow by November?
4) Why is he being looked after?
5) Where will the new house be built?
6) When was Lincoln born?
7) Whom was the novel “Robinzon Crusoe” written by?
8) When will they be examined?
9) This document has been looked for for a week.
10) Why was not she sent for?
11) When has the message been left?. Урок 12
(второй уровень)
Поставьте глаголы в правильное время в пассивной форме.
1) was printed
2) will be written
3) were being entertained
4) has been made
5) had been delivered
Поставьте необходимые предлоги. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) At. — Над вами будут смеяться, если вы споете эту песню.
2) For. — За ними уже послали.
3) After. — За ней присматривает сестра.
4) For. — Когда я вошла в комнату, её все искали.
Задайте вопросы, используя слова в скобках
1) Колумб открыл Америку. By whom was America discovered?
2) Америку назвали “Новым Светом”. Why was America called “New World”?
3) Уолт Дисней родился в 1901 году. When was Walt Disney born?
4) Их встретят в аэропорту. Will they be met in the airport?
5) Его письмо уже отправили. Has his letter been sent yet?
Переведите на английский.
1) He was asked a lot of questions after the lecture.
2) You will be sent fax next week.
3) When Tom called the children were being told an interesting story.
4) The text has already been translated.
5) He will be met in the airport.
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