Клементьева, 7-9. Рабочая тетрадь 1. Раздел 1. Урок 25

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Сделайте упражнение 4 на странице 54.
1) Mom/mum wakes me up at half past six.
2) We go on vacation / holidays to the country.
3) Your brother likes candies/ sweets and cookies/biscuits.
4) He comes home at seven-thirty/ half past seven.
5) Your apartment/flat is on the seventh/sixth floor, isn’t it?
6) Does your friend plays soccer/football?
7) Is there a mailbox/letter-box in your street?
8) I often go to the movies/cinema.
American English – British English
mom – mum
vacation – holiday
candy – sweets
cookie – biscuits
seven-thirty – half past seven
apartment – flat
seventh floor – sixth floor
soccer – football
mailbox – letter-box
movies – cinema
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