Ваулина, 7. Рабочая тетрадь. Модуль 7. Grammar Practice

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Подчеркни правильное слово.
1) better;
2) funnier;
3) worst;
4) most;
5) taller;
6) most;
7) good;
8) more;
9) harder;
10) oldest
а) Заполни таблицу.
Adjective: great, famous, funny, clever, attractive, noisy, short, intelligent, rich, loud, well, quietly, beautifully, badly;
Comparative: greater, more famous, funnier, cleverer, more attractive, noisier, shorter, more intelligent, richer, louder, better, more quietly, more beautifully, worse;
Superlative: greatest, most famous, funniest, cleverest, most attractive, noisiest, shortest, most intelligent, richest, loudest, best, most quietly, most beautifully, worst.
b) Используй прилагательные и наречия из таблицы, чтобы дополнить письмо.
1) great;
2) famous;
3) shorter;
4) more beautifully;
5) richer;
6) worst;
7) greatest.
Поставь глаголы в скобках в простое прошедшее или настоящее совершенное время.
1) have known;
2) have met;
3) Have you finished;
4) stopped;
5) have got;
6) bought.
Используй подсказки, чтобы сравнить людей на картинках, как в примере.
David is older then Cindy.
Ted is taller then Simon.
Simon is shorter then Ted.
Carol and Cindy are happier then Ted and Simon.
Carol is more handsome then Cindy.
Cindy is more handsome then Carol.
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