Вербицкая, 6. Unit 13

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Найдите информацию о выдающемся русском писателе или поэте. Подготовьте короткий рассказ о нем / о ней.
I would like to tell you about Sergey Yesenin. He was born in 1895 in Ryazan. He was an outstanding poet who wrote about Russian nature. His pieces of poetry are well-known in Russia. He died in 1925, at the age of 30.
Дополните пропуски предлогами из рамки.
1. Of
2. On
3. In
4. At
5. In
6. То
7. Under
8. From
9. To
Распишите эти даты словами.
1. Nineteen ninety-six
2. Seventeen eighty-three
3. Ten sixty-six
4. Nineteen oh five
5. Nineteen forty-five
6. Nineteen hundred
7. Two thousand
8. Two thousand fourteen
Исправьте ошибки, используя Настоящее Простое и Настоящее длительное времена.
1. She sometimes watches TV in the evening.
2. At the moment I’m doing my homework.
3. I’m phoning my friend in London now.
4. We never start school at eight o’clock in England.
5. Stuart is listening to music at the moment.
6. Mary and Lorna often play volleyball on Saturday morning.
7. Look! Eric is swimming in the sea.
Кто эти люди? Напишите вопросы и ответы в прошедшем простом времени.
1. Who were Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova? They were cosmonauts from Russia.
2. Who Winston Churchill? He was a politician from Britain.
3. Who was Lev Yashin? He was a sportsman from Russia.
4. Who was Victor Vasnetsov? He was an artist from Russia.
5. Who was Mikhail Lomonosov? He was a scientist from Russia.
6. Who was Maria Yarmolova? She was an actress from Russia.
7. Who was Mikhail Lermontov? He was a poet from Russia.
Дайте короткие ответы на вопросы.
1. Yes’, they were.
2. Yes, he was.
3. No, he wasn’t.
4. Yes, he was.
5. No, he wasn’t.
6. No, she wasn’t.
7. No, he wasn’t.
В упр. 7 найдите существительные, относящиеся к профессиям. Как они были составлены? Распределите их по нужным группам.
1. Actress, doctor, writer.
2. Scientist, artist, pianist.
3. Politician, musician.
4. Poet, sportsmen.
Найдите информацию о выдающемся человеке в упр. 8 и подготовьте короткий рассказ нем / ней.
I would like to tell you about Mikhail Lermontov. He was born in 1814 in Moscow. He was a great Russian poet and writer. Many of his poems and novels are taught at schools. Lermontov was also a good printer. The most famous of his novels is A Hero of Our Time, about a young man Pechorin.
Прослушайте беседу и пронумеруйте их в том порядке, в котором вы их прослушали.
А – 10
B – 7
C – 5
D – 3
Е – 8
F – 6
G – 1
H – 2
I – 4
J – 9
Прочтите текст на стр. 48(Учебник, часть 2) и отметьте предложения как верные или нет.
1) F
2) T
3) Т
4) Т
5) Т
6) T
7) F
8) Т
9) Т
10) T
Прочитайте текст и вставьте предлоги в пропуски.
1. on
2. in
3. of
4. with
5. on
6. into
Прочитайте предложения и подчеркните составные существительные в них. Как они были образованы?
Выпишите составные существительные из текста и вставьте существительные из рамки в правильную группу.
1) Nobleman, gentleman. Englishman, policeman, sportsman.
2) Lifeboat, lifeguard, lifesaver, lifestyle.
3) Guidebook, audio book, workbook, notebook.
Прослушайте разговор детей о известных людях из прошлого, которыми они восхищаются и дополните таблицу.
Name Profession Country Date of birth
1. John Lennon singer England 1940
2. John Fitzgerald Kennedy politician The USA 1917
Вы собираетесь посетить захватывающую экскурсию в музей Шерлока Холмса19 века на улице Бэйкер. Послушайте гида и сделайте пометки дат, важных цифр, которые вы слышите. Затем прослушайте еще раз и впишите даты и цифры в таблицу. Что эти даты и цифры значат?
Date / Numeral Notes
1. 1881-1904 Sh. H and D.W lived here
2. 1919 The museum was opened
3. 54 Short stories(Sh. H appeared in 54 short stories)
4. 4 Novels (Sh. H appeared in 4 novels)
5. 19 century Sh. H had got his study his violin and a magnifying glass
6. 2nd floor Dr. Watsons bedroom was there
7. 6 January 1864 Holmes’s birthday
8. Over 70 Over 70 actors played the part in over in 200 films
9. 2006 Vasili Livanov was awarded the order of the British Empire for his perfomance
10. 1887 The first novel about Sh. H was published
Прочитайте некоторые предложения дней рождений задание 22 стр. 52 (Учебник, часть 2) и заполните таблицу.
№ Date Who sends birthday greetings To whom How old
1. May 13 friends Timothy Markham 12 years old
2. May 13 sisters and brothers Julie Perry 13 years old
3. May 13 relatives Olivia Bush 11 years old
4. May 17 Julie and Annie Francis Roseman 14 years old
Прочитайте текст о Питере и напишите о нем в прошедшем времени. Как ты думаешь, когда было сделано фото? Почему ты так думаешь?
His name was Piter, and his surname Anderton. He is 12 years old in this photo. he is from London. He is a student at Eton. His phone number is 346 23 58. His parents are from Edinburgh. His fathers name is Derek and he is a doctor. His mothers name is Tracy and she is a teacher.
Заполните пропуски с предлогами on, at, in, to.
1) on
2) to
3) at
4) at
5) to
6) at
7) in
8) in
9) at
10) to
11) at
Используйте глаголы в прошедшем простом времени:
1. Wrote
2. Didn’t know
3. Were invited
4. Spent
5. Was drawn
6. Made
7. Became
8. Began
9. Was given
10. Was published
Прослушайте снова диалог в Лувре и закончите его
Madam, for sure, is also called, true story, eyes as well.
Просмотрите картинки и ответьте на вопросы
2.It’s cold snowy
3. Yes, I do
4. She is playing basketball
5. she plays volleyball
6. yes, I am
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