Баранова, 6. Учебник. Revision 2

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1 attracts
2 spicy
3 tub
4 order
5 fry
6 slices
7 run
8 dessert
9 serve
10 aisle
1 a
2 many
3 a little
4 too much
5 a lot of
6 some
7 a few
8 many
9 any
10 an
1 enough
2 too
3 enough
4 enough
5 too
1 to buy
2 to eat
3 going
4 help
5 to put
6 show
7 to have
8 drinking
9 cooking
10 wash
1 a
2 a
3 b
4 a
5 a
Hi Vanessa!
Thanks for your email. Here’s my recipe for pierogi. Pierogi are traditional dumplings. First, make the dough with flour and water and roll it flat. Cut out circles. For the filling, boil and mash some potatoes and mix with fried onions and some cheese. Then, place the filling in the middle of the dough and fold it over to make half circles. Then, boil in a pan of hot water until they float. Serve with sour cream or with fried onions and garlic.
I hope you try them.
Write soon,
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