Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, Rainbow English, 6. Лексико-грамматический практикум. Unit 5

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2) put;
3) wore;
4) forgot;
5) won;
6) knew;
7) drew;
8) threw;
9) read;
10) went;
11) fell;
12) became;
1) skied;
2) played;
3) smiled;
4) married;
5) stayed;
6) ironed;
7) asked;
8) chattered;
9) said;
10) tried;
11) rained;
12) disliked.
2) If it is sunny, I shall / will go to the park.
3) If it is sunny, I shall / will plant some flowers.
4) If it is sunny I shall / will meet my friends.
5) If it is sunny, I shall / will ride my bike.
6) If it is sunny, I shall / will swim in the river.
7) If it is sunny, I shall / will lie in the sun.
8) If it is sunny, I shall / will go boating.
9) If it is sunny, I shall / will play tennis.
10) If it is sunny, I shall / will go for a walk.
1) We shall / will play snowballs as soon as there is a lot of snow.
3) After my mother irons the new dress, I shall / will wear it.
4) If she does everything right, nothing dangerous will happen.
5) As soon as autumn comes, it will rain a lot.
6) If Bob trains a lot, he will win the game.
7) Nick will put on his pyjamas before he goes to bed.
8) Mary will sing the song, after she remembers the words.
9) If Ben becomes rich, he will buy a new house.
10) As soon as father comes home, he will take off his raincoat.
2) few, little;
3) few;
4) little;
5) little;
6) few;
7) little;
8) few;
9) few;
10) little.
2) Don’t worry, I will wait for you.
3) They are leaving / are going to leave for New York tomorrow at 3 o’clock.
4) Molly will do it after she comes home.
5) Mother is going to wash / is washing / will wash the dishes after dinner.
6) I think I shall / will buy a kilo of apples for the cake.
7) Olga will be fifteen this year.
8) We are going to visit / will visit her soon.
9) Your sister will iron your trousers after she cleans your coat.
10) We shall / will make breakfast in ten minutes. We are going to make breakfast in ten minutes.
2) Bob won the game and went home yesterday.
3) She became very sad after the meeting.
4) It happened on a cold frosty day last winter.
5) When she came, she hung her raincoat on the hook.
6) Mother gave me some money last week.
7) He suddenly remembered her name.
8) Jack fell from his bike yesterday.
9) Don bought bright pyjamas last month.
10) Ben wore strange clothes at the party.
2g; 3b; 4i; 5d; 6a; 7f; 8c; 9j; 10h.
2) Polly and Sam are going to have a party on Saturday.
3) Polly and Sam are going to wear new sweaters at the party.
4) Polly and Sam are going to play tennis on Thursday.
5) Polly and Sam are going to decorate the New Year tree on Monday.
6) Polly and Sam are going to celebrate Polly’s birthday on Tuesday.
7) Polly and Sam are going to visit their granny on Wednesday.
8) Polly and Sam are going to skate on the skating rink on Sunday.
2) She is going to cook dinner.
3) He is going to his office.
4) She is going to phone her friend.
5) It is going to snow.
6) He is gong to win the game.
7) They are going to decorate it.
8) He is going to make a salad.
1) leggings, jeans, pyjamas, trousers, clothes;
2) sandals, boots, scarves, shoes, socks, trainers, gowns, slippers, gloves.
2) are;
3) is;
4) are;
5) is;
6) are;
7) are;
8) are;
9) are;
10) is.
2) are, them;
3) is, it;
4) these, are;
5) these, them;
6) is, it;
7) these, are;
8) are, them.
2) don’t they? — Yes, they do.
3) don’t they? — Yes, they do.
4) don’t you? — No, I don’t.
5) does he? — No, he doesn’t.
6) aren’t they? — Yes, they are.
7) do they? — But yes, they do.
8) will you? — No, I won’t.
9) don’t you? — Yes, I do.
10) are they? — No, they are not.
2g; 3b; 4h; 5c; 6d; 7f; 8a.
2) is leaving;
3) finishes;
4) are making;
5) are going;
6) begins;
7) arrives;
8) starts;
9) is buying;
10) are playing.
2) will come;
3) am;
4) will win;
5) will wear;
6) will remember;
7) will feel;
8) will arrive;
9) will put;
10) will meet.
2) the;
3) —;
4) the;
5) —;
6) —;
7) the;
8) —;
9) —;
10) —;
11) —;
12) —;
13) the;
14) —;
15) —;
16) —;
17) the;
18) the;
19) the;
20) the.
2) —, the;
3) —, —;
4) —, the, the, —;
5) —, —;
6) the;
7) —, —;
8) —, —;
9) the, a, —;
10) —, a, —.
2) an, —;
3) the, the;
4) the, a;
5) —, the, the;
6) a, a;
7) —, the;
8) the, the;
9) —, —;
10) the, —.
2) will learn;
3) wins;
4) will see;
5) will go;
6) buys;
7) is;
8) comes;
9) arrives;
10) will happen.
2) Does Ben wear trainers for a walk?
3) What dress shall I put on tonight?
4) Does Father take off his shoes when he comes home ?
5) Was she wearing jeans or leggings when you saw her?
6) Are you going to buy a raincoat for your mother?
7) What colour are your pyjamas?
8) Do you like boring clothes?
2) Tell me if he will visit you today.
3) I don’t know if they will win the football match.
4) She is not sure if she will celebrate her birthday this year.
5) After mother irons my trousers, I will put them on.
6) I wonder what suit he will buy.
7) Jack won’t miss the train if he gets up early.
8) If Helen wears this fur coat every day, it will become dirty.
9) After the clock strikes 12, the New Year will come.
10) Don will look scruffy if he does not wash his hair every day.
11) Write to me when you will arrive in Brussels.
12) After I meet my friends, we will have fun together.
2) was wearing;
3) arrives, will meet;
4) happened;
5) was ironing;
6) put on;
7) snows, shall / will make;
8) will decorate;
9) begin;
10) won.
2) wanted;
3) open;
4) opened;
5) was;
6) bought;
7) to look;
8) needed;
9) found;
10) was;
11) loved;
12) were shopping;
13) got;
14) went;
15) were;
16) drove.
2) gown;
3) zero;
4) book;
5) fur;
6) game;
7) pool;
8) frost;
9) won;
10) ground;
11) draw;
12) pardon.
2) mittens;
3) pastime;
4) clothes;
5) scruffy;
6) pyjamas;
7) nightie;
8) heavily;
9) won;
10) below;
11) clothes;
12) slippers;
13) fur;
14) tee-shirt;
15) suit.
2) San Francisco;
3) Seattle;
4) Celsius;
5) Centigrade;
6) Fahrenheit;
7) Moscow;
8) Belgium;
9) Brussels;
10) the Louvre.
2) It is zero degrees in Moscow.
3) It is thirty one degree below zero in Murmansk.
4) It is ten degrees below zero in Ottawa.
5) It is forty degrees above zero in Hawaii.
6) It is twelve degrees above zero in Blackpool.
7) It is five degrees below zero in Brussels.
8) It is nine degrees above zero in Washington, D.C.
2) Can you say it again, please?
3) I’m afraid, I didn’t get what you said.
4) Sorry?
5) I’m afraid, I didn’t understand what you said.
6) Could you say it again, please?
7) Pardon?
8) Could you repeat it, please?
3) I dislike roller-skating.
4) My friend likes doing sports.
5) I like going to the shops.
6) My friends like making models of the ships.
7) I dislike keeping pets.
8) My friend likes skateboarding.
9) I like travelling.
10) I dislike taking pictures.
11) I dislike cooking.
12) I like talking on the phone.
2) unusual;
3) unimportant;
4) untidy;
5) unpleasant;
6) unhealthy;
7) unable;
8) unforgettable;
9) unfortunate;
10) unsafe.
2) dirty;
3) old;
4) old-fashioned;
5) interesting;
6) scruffy;
7) dark;
8) hard;
9) strong;
10) bad;
11) short;
12) happy;
13) easy;
14) narrow;
15) thin.
2) I always wear trainers to the gym.
3) I usually wear a dress to a party.
4) I seldom wear a fur coat in winter.
5) I never wear mittens in summer.
6) I often wear leggings for a walk.
7) I sometimes wear gloves in winter.
8) I seldom wear a gown at home.
9) I usually wear a suit to the theatre.
10) I never wear a raincoat if it snows.
2) to, on;
3) in, on;
4) on, in;
5) off, into;
6) on, at;
7) for, by;
8) out, of;
9) on, to;
10) in;
11) on;
12) In, about;
13) to, on;
14) for, in.
2) stylish;
3) scruffy;
4) fashion;
5) gloves;
6) trainers;
7) pyjamas;
8) fur coat;
9) pastime;
10) snowflakes;
11) boring;
12) snowballs.
2) heavily;
3) stylish;
4) fairly;
5) foggy;
6) frosty;
7) brightly;
8) fashionable;
9) stylish;
10) beautiful;
11) different;
12) unusual.
2g; 3a; 4e; 5b; 6c; 7h; 8c; 9f; 10i.
2) seashore;
3) weekend;
4) raincoat;
5) downhill;
6) skateboarding;
7) moneybox;
8) gras-s- land;
9) snowflakes;
10) sunshine.
2) ugly;
3) iron;
4) note;
5) slippers;
6) mittens;
7) gloves;
8) skiing.
2) It is usual for boys to wear trousers.
3) My pyjamas are on my bed.
4) I always buy many clothes in the shop.
5) I don’t know if he will win the game.
6) It rained heavily last night.
7) When the temperature is 30 degrees above zero, it is very hot.
8) Don’t forget to take off your boots when you come home.
9) They decided to make a snowman.
10) He never wears gloves in winter, does he?
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